Chapter 21: What's done is done

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(That house is where Paris is)

One week and two days later

Abel's POV

I didn't know where the fuck Paris was and she the fact that I was calling her non stop and got her voicemail was pissing me off. I didn't know what we were right now. I didn't know if she took my harsh words as I don't want you anymore or what.

She had to come back eventually, even if she didn't want to see me again, she still works for me.
She couldn't just leave. Once you commit to this ride, there's no turning back.

I couldn't even be in this house without thinking of her and Max.

I picked up the phone and called her again and it went straight to voicemail:

Hello you've reached the voicemail of Paris Morgan, unfortunately I didn't make it to the phone, but leave a message and I'll hit you back baby! Bye


Paris... You know who this is. Baby I just want you to tell me where you are. I don't know why you're being so secretive. I know you said you were coming back, but... I miss you. Just... Just fucking call me.

I hang up the phone. I couldn't be alone. I hated it. I wanted to hear her voice again so I called once more and once again it went straight to voicemail.

Hello you've reached the voicemail of Paris Morgan, unfortunately I didn't make it to the phone, but leave a message and I'll hit you back baby! Bye


PJ I need you right now. I can't stop thinking about you and if you guys are okay and... what's going on?

I continued to call and the messages got worst as that lonely feeling sinked to the pit of my stomach. Why wasn't she answering?


Aubrey doesn't even know where you are! Paris what are you doing?


You're a motherfucking piece of shit you know that? How are you just going to leave and not say anything about where you're going!


You want to leave well then go! I don't fucking need you bitch. I never did! Fuck you!

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I hung up the phone. I couldn't say that shit to her. I didn't mean it.
I rubbed my hands over my face and sighed heavily.


North Carolina

Paris' POV

"JoAnne help me set the table."

"Okay nona." I was in my grandmother's house. After I saved her from the fire all those years ago she moved to North Carolina. I wouldn't told Abel, but my grandma doesn't want anybody to know where she lives.

After the fire she got really afraid. She believed that someone intentionally set the house on fire so she got out of Houston. I could never find her and when I did she made me promise never to tell anyone when I came here.

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