Chapter 2

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Upon arriving back in Japan, the four of them got off the plane, getting their luggage, then leaving the airport. The family arrived in at the Semi residence and walked into the house, taking off their shoes. Fuyuko made sure to stay close to her brother. The siblings both sat on the couch as the adults made their way to the kitchen.

"You hungry..?" Eita asked softly. The girl shook her head and just snuggled into her brother, feelings safe. What worried the family after a month of being back is how Fuyuko rarely talked. She barely checked her phone as well. She barely ate, barely slept, overworked herself, basically isolating herself from everyone. She was over at Suga's house right now and had her knees up to her chest, looking dazed.

The setter walked over to the girl and sat down on the bed, causing the girl to snap back to reality. She tilted her head at Suga then looked around the room, realizing that she wasn't in her house 5 minutes later and started to freak out, tears forming in her eyes. She immediately calmed down when she felt a comforting hand on her shoulder. She looked at Suga and hugged him softly, letting some tears fall. Sugawara cooed her until he knew that she was asleep, messaging Eita, who was freaking the hell out btw, that his sister was okay and with him at his house. Sure, the males had NO clue how the female managed to find his house but they weren't complaining as long as she didn't go to a fucking strangers house.

During the middle of the night, the girl started to whimper in her sleep, Suga waking up due to it and watching as she tossed and turned. He frowned and right when he got next to the bed, she shot her eyes open and cried out, the silver haired male comforting her. "Shh....your okay, I promise. Nothing is going to happen to you." Suga said softly. The girl smiled in her sleep, which Suga quickly took a photo of. He unlocked his phone then sent the photo to Yaku and the others.

Dumbass Chat

Fuck you guys- Yaku

Semi's replacement- Shirabu

Child #1- Hanamaki

Child #2- Mattsun

Records shit- Suna

Beauty King- Sugawara

Not so oblivious- Ushijima

Not a monster- Tendou

Prettiest setter- Akaashi

Oikawa's #1 hater- Iwaizumi

Cute child- Fuyuko

Beauty King has entered the chat!

Beauty King:

GuUuUuUuUuUys 😭😭😭😭😭

2 servers have entered the chat!

Oikawa's #1 hater:

Wtf do you want, Suga? 😒😒😒

Not a monster:

Ooo~ someone's SaLtY cause they were woken up

Oikawa's #1 hater:

Satori, stfu 😃😃😃

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