Chapter 4

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Akinori felt the movement and heard the alarm, opening his eyes a bit to grab his phone. "Stupid alarm." He muttered then saw Fuyuko's flushed face, pulling her closer. They spent the day in bed, or at least that was the plan before a knock came to Akinori's front door. He cursed under his breath then kissed his lovers forehead and getting up, putting some clothes on. Once he was half dressed, he handed Fuyuko some of his clothes from his closet just in case.

She chirped a thanks and put the boxers and shirt on before her lover walked out of the room. She grabbed her phone and went to Yaku's contact.

PMs between Shorty bsf and Mood changer

Mood changer:


Shorty bsf has entered the chat!

Shorty bsf:

We need to get railed more bestie 😙😙

We should totally make them jealous.


Once we can walk again anyway-

Mood changer:



And, because I'm and ass, we should totally hang out with Mattsun and Makki

We both know that they be gay for one another so it shouldn't be any prob for em 😙😙


damn it.

Shorty bsf:

What's up?

Mood changer:


Kenma is here with a rooster looking dude-

Shorty bsf:

Good luck solider 🫡

Mood changer:



Shorty bsf has exited the chat!

Mood changer:

Well fuck you too then, short ass 😔😟

Mood changer has exited the chat!

Kenma looked up from his switch and locked eyes with Fuyuko. "Hey hoe." She snickered. "Fuck you also, Fuyu." Kenma said with a slight smile. "Who's the rooster looking bitch?" Fuyuko asked. "Kuroo Tetsuro, Suna's bf." The blonde haired male said. "I mean, guess all the hot ones were taken where he goes to school. Of which I still to pick...." The girl groaned. "Damn bitch, pick one. Ain't like you have tons of options." Kenma said as the other two males came in.

"Fuck you too then. Gosh, you're like short ass." Fuyuko mumbled. Kenma snapped his head to Fuyuko and playfully glared at her, which made Kuroo shocked. "You're good at pushing buttons, aren't ya Chibi-Chan?" Kuroo snickered. Fuyuko snapped her head to the rooster and narrowed her eyes. "FUCK YOU JUST CALL ME, ROOSTER ASS BITCH?!" Fuyuko growled.

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