The denial

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One day I was training for a skateboarding championship in my city when I was interrupted by my mother telling me to stop, I thought it was strange and I continued, a while later she came back and asked me to give her my skateboard, I asked why and she didn't he answered me, so I took my skateboard and went to train somewhere else. A while later I felt that I could go home, so I grabbed my things and left. Along the way I felt that I was being watched and I started to run, when I got home I went into my room, changed clothes, did my hygiene and went to sleep. The next day, I woke up already thinking about the championship, but also because my mother was so strange, afterward, I went to change my clothes and went down to eat breakfast. I got there, sat down, and noticed a note on the fridge, saying:

-Dear daughter, I will be away all day, so I left a list of tasks that I need you to do:


-Clean the house

-Feed the fish

- Hang clothes on the clothesline

-Iron the clothes

I hope you manage to do everything, a big kiss, Mom.

-I thought the note was strange but I let it go. When I finished eating, I immediately went to do the chores, first, I went to get the dirty clothes to put in the machine, I found all the clothes and put them in the wash, that was easy! Afterward, I took the broom to clean the house, that was it too, so I went to feed the fish, they were even happier. Afterward, I realized that the machine was beeping, so I went there to take the clothes and hang them on the clothesline, I waited a bit for them to dry and I started ironing them. When I finished I was really tired, but I didn't think twice I went straight to my room to get my skateboard and train in the garden. But when I got to my room I didn't find my skateboard, just another note saying:

-I asked gently, but you chose violence. If I were you, I wouldn't go into the garden.

-Then, I realized that the tasks were fake and were just to give her time to take my skateboard and do something bad with it, so I quickly went downstairs and went to the garden. When I got there, I saw the worst and never imagined moment of my life, my skateboard burning and a piece of paper written:

-Skateboarding is for boys only!

- But it wasn't going to stay like that...

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