The plan

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After that day I felt sorry for my mother, when she was a child she had the same dream as me, to be a professional skateboarder, so I made a plan to try to change her opinion. First, for my plan to work, I needed a skateboard, so I borrowed it from a friend of mine, Abby Williams. Afterward, I called my mother to the garden and started to do some maneuvers, I saw a small smile filling my mother's mouth little by little, I even heard a little giggle. Until I reached the second part of my plan, calling her to walk too, but when I did that the magical moment that was happening disappeared, she denied it and asked me to return it to the owner. I was sad, but I wasn't going to give up that easily. The other day I called my mom saying I had a surprise for her, so I took her to the skate competition when she saw that she got super upset and said we were leaving, but I asked her for a chance and said:

-Mom, you promised since I was born to support me in all my dreams, even the hardest ones, and I always believed in that, so please give me a chance. -Then I felt that she got more emotional and said:

-Please Mother.

-Ok, but if you don't win, you won't skate anymore, now go there and start.

-I was so happy, and I realized that I was representing all female skaters and that I was there to win, or else I would never be able to practice the modality of my dreams again. When I got there I heard the crowd screaming, eager to see what we had to give. The first tests were easy, going up and down ramps, and many had already been eliminated. When we reached the semifinals, it started to tighten, but I managed to reach the final. There, there was just me and a boy who said he was the best teenage skater in town, but I was there to prove otherwise. The final test was free, whoever did the best trick won, he went first, he started dropping, and then, he jumped to turn the skateboard. When it was my turn, I felt a tightness in my heart, but when I went to start, I heard a very loud voice shouting:

-My daughter will win, nobody is better than her at skateboarding, go, daughter!

-It was my mother! I was so happy that when she finished screaming I didn't waste any more time and started the tricks, I also chose to drop, only I went to the biggest ramp in the park, took a deep breath, and started to go down, the more I went down the more my mother started to Believe me when I heard what I didn't expect to hear from her:

-Daughter, I'm sorry I was wrong, girls can skate and they can skate even better than boys, so regardless of your podium, you will be able to skate.

-I love you, Mom.

- Me too, daughter.

-And when the audience saw this moment they started screaming for me too, I even cried a little with emotion, that's why I had to win for them, so when I got to the end of the ramp I did a somersault backward, everyone was silent, hoping for I win.

-She's not going to make it out of this maneuver alive. -Said that boy who only thought about fame. So when it was time to go down, after that moment of the audience I was confident, I still did a pirouette and went down standing. And then everyone started applauding.

-Uh, this is my daughter!

-I was so happy that I started jumping for joy.

-I'm so proud that you didn't give up on changing my opinion.

-I love you.

-Me too my love.

-A few years later, I decided to participate in the women's skate Olympics and other skate events, and I won them all. Even if this story is not real, it is based on real events. Say no to sexism!

Never give up on your dreams, even the hardest ones, and never doubt your parents' support in everything, be it a university or even just a donut. Thank you so much for reading this book and never give up on your dreams. If you want two of this book or other true stories, put them in the comments and read my other book ''Kate Wheeler- The secret sister'' also available in Portuguese. Kisses and dream big!

life on wheelsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora