Back in detention

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Kate and her best friend Wyatt walked to their bus stop hoping to beat the bus in time to get on, Wyatt was carrying his tuba and Kate was helping him try to carry his books, they both slept in yet again and hurried to get dressed while skipping breakfast not wanting to have to walk to the school yet again and get yet another late slip. If they were to get one more they would find themselves in detention a fourth time this month, once they reached their bus stop they waited and hoped the bus would show and sighed in relief when they seen the bus pulling up to get them and bring them to school"thank goodness" Wyatt said tiredly since he was still trying to wake up. The two got on and sat in the only seat left open which had the window that didn't go up or down and was stuck half open and half closed, Kate sighed " it's better than nothing" she said as she sat down. They had finally reached the school but the usual crowd was in the hallway and were practically unable to move as it they were a can of sardines "we'll never make it in time" Kate said annoyed "well it's just as bad for them as it is for us meaning we're all in the same boat I suppose" Wyatt responded trying to be optimistic. "Please if anything we'll be stuck here until the haul clears" Kate responded more annoyed, just then the bell rang for homeroom and everyone was pushing to get to class, no one wanted to be late especially since Mrs.Lorice was the one that would usually be the teacher for detention after school and she was brutal with the work she would give especially if she didn't like you. When the warning bell rang Kate and Wyatt had just reached the door but before their hands even could touch the door some other student got in the way and that was just as the final bell rang making them late, the two walked in trying not to be seen as the teacher had her back turned and was writing on the board but just as they're thought they were in the clear their teacher Mr.Linch walked over and set one late slip on each of their desks "Late again Ms.Woodward and Mr.Benace" he said as he made his way to the front of the class again "do you know what that means for you two?" He asked "Detention" Wyatt and Kate said in a tiredly disappointed tone. "Exactly" Mr.Linch said before telling his students to to turn to page 500 in their books. Once school was done for the day it was off to detention for Wyatt and Kate and just as they figured, Mrs.Lorice was the one running detention which meant piles and piles of worksheets before they could go home. They both sighed and went to work until it was time for them to go home since Wyatt missed banned practice and Kate missed her guitar lessons they could only go straight home especially since their parents would overly worry if they didn't come home at curfew which was 7:00 and right now it was 6:47. They were both talking about how their luck was awful and it wasn't fair that they got detention when a ice cream truck could be heard coming up behind them, curious Kate turned to look and seen a ice cream truck slowing down to pull over next to them which caused them to start worrying " first we miss the bus home and now this" Wyatt said nervously getting ready to drop everything and run "maybe we can get an ice cream, it does sound nice after the day we've had" Kate said trying to be cheerful but when the ice cream truck pulled next to them there was no driver in sight which made everything much more earie, a boy opened up the window in the back of a truck "hey" he Said sounding abit on edge, the two looked at each other than back at the boy " who are you" kate asked now getting scared " My name is Wendel I'm a prince from the kingdom of the Woodrow sky in the dimension of called tree bark and my kingdom is in danger".  "Nonsense, what on earth does any of that mean?" Wyatt asked not buying anything Wendel was saying. "It means I need your help and it's not nonsense" Wendel said back in a insulted tone. " We should really be going actually, it's passed out curfew" Kate said trying to get her and Wyatt away from the boy but as they started to walk the truck was right along with them. The two tried to run but as they did the boy with incredible strength pulled them in the truck and told them everything especially how they were meant to save everyone and how he found out about them. They both looked at him for a moment"we're in" Kate said as Wyatt looked at her in surprise " we will? You actually believe this?", "I do" Kate said responding to Wyatt's question. Wendel then smiled "great" he then took their hands and opened a portal and at full speed the truck went right through and down a hill into a small village and dodged people left and right. This village didn't look like a regular human world, instead the clouds were pink and the sky was a very light blue and the sun was almost white and everyone there almost looked fake, it looked beautiful but in the distance a color that would make you think of death could be seen

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