Trouble in the kingdom

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"over there look, it's getting worse" Wendel said pointing at the color changing in the distance and when they looked down they could see the grass decaying and people started to feel terribly sick " this is why I brought you here to save us" he started to tear up abit at the sight of his homeland slowly turning into a shell of it's former self. "Don't worry I'm sure we can stop this I give you our word" Kate said while putting her hand on Wendel's shoulder to reassure him. Wyatt fixed his glasses and tried thinking of something to at least slow this problem until they knew exactly what it was and how to get rid of it and restore the Woodrow Sky kingdom " are we headed to your castle or are we going somewhere else?" He asked Wendel "my castle" he replied "my parents want to speak with you guys and explain further what's happening". Once they reached the castle the guards greeted the price and his guests as they three walked to the throne room to speak with the King and Queen who were practically hanging on the edge of their seats hoping they would be there soon and let out a small sigh of relief when the trio finally showed. " Thank goodness you had us worried that you wouldn't make it and we'd all be done for" the king said in a nervous tone of voice. The Queen quickly ran to her son to make sure he was ok " I'm fine mom" Wendel said to reassure his mother " I just want to be sure, you're my only son, Your sister was worried sick as well as your father and I" the Queen responded before looking at the other two " I'm Queen Myra and this here is my husband King Richard" she said standing next to the king. The king looked at the two kids " as you know we've been having problems, you see one of our prisoners escaped and is trying to destroy our kingdom to get his hands on the magic keeps our kingdom strong so he can obsorb the magic himself and anyone who rules against him will be killed". "Is it contained in something and hidden anywhere?" Wyatt asked "Yes it's stored in a bracelet guarded by enchanted armor in a place no one would ever be able to find it, It is called the bracelet of the soul because the wearer once they place it on has full control over everything but the bracelet works for only those with the purest of heart" the queen answered " but if it's destroyed everything will go cold and many will freeze to death within minutes or even hours " the king added. "So what exactly do you want us to do?" Kate asked " Your task is to find the bracelet and retrieve it and bring it back here before he can destroy it and before anymore people get hurt" the king told them "you say he, but what is his name?" Kate asked "His name is Brodwin, and years ago he worked for us but soon was caught giving some of our jewels and secrets away to enemies of our kingdom and helping them go against us" the king said as he looked down balling a fist. Wendel then looked at the two and said " you see? That's why I brought here, to help me stop this before it's to late". The two nodded and began planning their move and the first step was to find the location of that bracelet.

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