Chapter 2

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There he was struggling to catch his breath a bit, but shaking the pain away with a deep new breath in his rusty lungs. Standing near the empty park with a gleeful smile and high posture. The cold air, the autumn leaves, and most importantly the empty streets, you could even hear the wind.

"Ah, nothing like being lazy in lazy town!" exclaimed over-the-top Robbie Rotten, while chuckling he quickly hung between two trees the hammock. Puffing up the pillow, exaggerating his movements the man lay down and exhaled. "AH. Sportadork is out of town for today, the kids have a ton of school work and Halloween is sadly over. But it is still a great day for a nap." Robie called to no one but admitted to himself out loud, making it shortly after he fell asleep with the movements of the rocking hammock. 

"What did you guys learn today? I learned about folklore, and that was fun. We spoke about all the ones in greek! And learned a few Europeans." Stephanie announced more ads before letting her friends talk too. "Wow, that sounds like something fun! I didn't, we just learned about math." Trixxie groaned and complained. "Well, personaly I like math!" Pixxel smiled, making all the kids laugh loudly while heading to the park. "Gah!" Robbie exclaimed, making him lose balance on the hammock, and land on his face. "Hahahaha!" The kids exclaimed when Ziggy mentions candy once again. 

"Ah! They're supposed to be at school, taking classes!" The tall slender man grunts as he walks to the voices of the kids, "Yes, the kid had something of mine. The eraser he had was mine, and the crayons. They are mine, mine, mine." Stingy huffs while crossing his hands making the kids laugh again, "And what are you brats doing here so early?" Robbie slightly grunts trying to catch his breath. 

"ROBBIE ROTTEN!" The kids exclaimed and shouted in unison, "Eh- Yeah, yeah. Stop shouting, and answer the question." Crossing his hands Robbie glared at the kids, making them all frown a bit and look at one another. "Uh, yeah what was the question?" Sheeplesly said Stephanie while chuckling a bit, making the old man huff 'I'm not that old...' and threw his hands up dramatically. "I said, 'Why are you brats, outside' It's too early!" Robbie almost begged to kneel, at eye level, and move his hands around. 

A small cricket sang while the kids looked at Robbie bewildered, "Robbie it's the middle of the day." Pixel said while pointing at the sky and looking up just to make his point, making the quote on quote 'town villain' make a set of grumbling and groaning noises, saying, "Too early for me." Ziggy shook his head while stating, "Well, we got out earlier today, our teachers had a meeting." Trixxy butts in, "Why are you taking a nap in the middle of the day?" 

For all the pain in the ass, kids were obliged and answered. "For your information, it is a great day for a nap outside... Also, I am waiting for a package to arrive." For all the seconds of silence, the kids just nod, making him surprised, "Oh, what did you order?" "Will you let us see?" "You mean my package?" "Oh, can I help you open it?" "Is it a new machine can I see!" The kids said all at once each one mumbling to themself almost a mental note. 

This made him pull his hands up and plug his ears with his fingers almost shouting, "Stop, you brats are all noisy. Eash how can that blue oaf can manage with you all." Muttering the grumpy man while unplugging his ears from his fingers. "Sorry, Robbie, we got excited. But tell us what you got?" Stephanie excitedly said while also apologizing to the man. Robbie rolled his eyes dramatically about to say something before he was cut off by a delivery man shouting, "PACKAGE FOR MR. Glanni Glæpur?" 

Now that made the tall villain quirk up and quickly sprint to the delivery man, "Me! That's me." Robbie smiled brightly and excitedly as the delivery man nodded, handing him the big box, putting the clipboard on Robbie quickly sighed it and nodded. "Okay, thanks," Robbie mutters before he holds up the box, not tripping or stumbling to make sure the box didn't fall. 

"Finally!" Exhaled Robbie trying to maintain his balance as his adrenaline descended, the box heavier than a few seconds ago, wobbling left to right, front and back, "whoa!" the kids shouted while trying to help the man balance, "Gah!" Rotten shouted as he fell forward flipping at the last second, making the heavy box land on his rib cage. That left him without air. "Ouf!" "Robbie!? Are you okay?" "That was heavy." "Are you alive after that fall?" The kids worriedly said while taking the heavy box out. "I-Will live. I feel better." Grunted Mr. Rotten sitting up cross-legged in front of a worried group of kids. 

"I'm fine." Huffed Mr. Rotten while stretching his back and making popping noises. All the kids cringe and make hissing sounds. "Well, what are you kids waiting for shoo, shoo." Standing up the man grunts trying to pick up the box once again, "Uhm, Robbie, what was the name the mailman said? Was that your name?" Frowning Trixxie asked while glancing at the man, "Or you use it as a disguised name!?" Gasped Ziggy while licking his lollipop. "I won't say humph!" 

The kids all looked at each other then ziggy and nodded "I'll give you three taffy candies and a lollipop." Ziggy said, showing off the candy in front of the old man. "Hmmm... Fine, I'll tell you if you but don't give me that germ-filled candy instead, get me what's on this list." Robbie snatched from behind him a list of 10 things, Ziggy, Trixy, and Pixel checked the list quickly and nod just as fast. "Fine, for your questions are yes, sorta, well more or less an old name.... my real name if you plea. But I still like Robbie Rotten better. So they now get me what's on that list and fresh candy." Snatching the box but failed as his hands ached slightly at the fast movements.

"Wait, how do you pronounce it?" Stephanie spoke while taking a small notebook that was hGianniry. "It's 'Glanni Glæpur', want me to spell it for you now?" Robbie rolled his eyes while saying sarcastically, but that did not go in the pink girl's head, "Oh yes please what language is it in also?" Robbie sighed facepalming himself, "If you insist, it's Icelandic, and is pronounced 'Gla-nn-y, Gla-e-pur' and don't say that name out loud ever. I don't like it, it's like an old me, I am better and far more interesting." The kids nod, "So are you going to give me my box?" Stingy stated while walking to the big box and almost touching it, "Nop!" Robbie was faster snatching it to his chest, "Mine, also you won't like what's in here... It's just a few books." The tall man inquired while standing up and holding the box a bit up, "Oh, books. yuck." Stingy said walking away uninterested, the kids all groan at the thought of more books after just getting out of school.

"Well, we'll get you those things at the entrance then Mr. Rotten!" Ziggy said while Trixxy and Pixel followed him, Pinky just shrugged and left the man alone, making him huff loudly and drag the box to his lair. 

"Finally they came I have been waiting for centuries!" he laughed while quickly removing each book slowly and delicately near a wide bookshelf, "Ah, finally the Mystical collection, well. I do want to read one but I have to finish my machine... hmm well I don't want to dirty them early on so they will have to wait... But I do want to read it, GAH! This is so stressful I need a nap..." Robbie launched over his chair only to plop head first, snoring already in deep slumber.

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