Chapter 1: The Unseen Mark

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As the sun dipped below the horizon, the quiet town of Duskwood came alive with the gentle rustling of leaves and the soft murmur of villagers going about their evening routines. Callum's footsteps echoed against the cobblestone streets as he made his way towards the town square, he could hear the villagers whispering in the background as he walked by but he didn't let that bother him as that was normal.

He was so focused on his thoughts that he didn't hear his best friend Orion calling out to him. Orion, with an easygoing smile and unwavering loyalty, fell into step beside Callum, his voice carrying a warmth that belied the cool evening air. "Callum, did you hear the latest news about House Evercrest? Lady Elara's wisdom is said to have brokered new alliances and strengthened the bonds of honour and justice in the realm."

The mention of House Evercrest brought a nod of recognition from Callum." House Evercrest legacy run deep, Orion Their dedication to valour and righteousness along with the other houses shape the very fabric of Arindale."

You could see Orion break out in a wide grin at the mention and compliment of his house even though he doesn't talk about the often, I've always wondered why he was here in a small town like this instead of at the family's main house but I saw it was a conversation he was ready yet to have with me.

Amist their conversation, the tales of the 12 great families unfurled like a tapestry of intrigue and history. Orion words painted vivid portraits of ancestral heroes.

Their path led to town square where a mysterious figure captivated the crowd with a tale of an ancient beast trapped in the shadows of history. Callum and Orion leaned in, caught up in the stranger's words that wove a tapestry of forgotten battles and unnamed heroes.

The stranger's voice carried the weight of legends as he spoke, " In the dead of night, when the weeps silver tears, the beast stirs from its slumber, a menace buried in the annals of time. Forgotten heroes once sealed its wrath, their names lost to the whispers of the wind."

"Legends spoke of a creature so immense and powerful that even the bravest dared not utter its name aloud, for fear of awakening the beast from its age-old rest.

It's only known as the 'Forgotten One', a chilling presence that haunted the edges of their dreams and stirred primal fears in the dead of night. Its form, wrapped in a cloak of shadows and mystery, remained an enigma, a spectre of ancient power that loomed over the land like a silent guardian of forgotten secrets Only a select few among the 12 great families of Arindale had knowledge of the creatures existence.

Passed down whispered tales of its origins and the pact that bound it to the heart of the forest for eternity. The mystery of The Forgotten One cast a long shadow over the realm, a potent reminder of the untold mysteries that lurked beyond the veil of mortal understanding, waiting to be unraveled by those brave enough to seek the truth.

A shiver ran through the gathered listeners, the air thick with a blend of fear and wonder sparked by the stranger's haunting narrative.

As the tale concluded and the crowd dispersed, Orion turned to Callum with a gleam of curiosity in his eye. "A tale to set the blood racing, my friend. The mysteries of Arindale run deeper than we may ever know."

With a shared look of anticipation, they bid each other farewell, the evening shadows stretching long as they went their separate ways, each lost in their thoughts as the moon rose high in the starlit sky.

Arriving at his doorstep, Callum's heart quickened at the sight before him - his mother's garden in disarray, the door ajar, and a sense of foreboding hanging in the air. The darkness inside whispered secrets as he called out for his mother, the silence that followed weighing heavy on his heart.

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