Chapter 2: Embraking into the Unknown Part 1

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The path to Orion's home wound through familiar streets bathed in the soft glow of twilight, shadows dancing in the fading light as Callum's thoughts drifted to the conversations shared and laughter echoed in the memories of their youth. As he reached Orion's humble abode, a warm light flickering in the window beckoned him closer, a silent invitation to the bond of camaraderie that awaited within.

With a tentative knock, the door creaked open, revealing Orion's familiar silhouette framed against the warm firelight. Surprise flickered in Orion's eyes as he saw Callum standing before him, a mixture of curiosity and joy shaping his features. "Callum," Orion greeted, a smile tugging at the corners of his mouth. "What brings you here at this hour?"

Drawing a deep breath to steady his nerves, Callum met Orion's gaze, the weight of unspoken words hanging between them. "Orion," Callum began, his voice tinged with a note of urgency and determination."I'm about to start a tough journey, full of things I don't know and obstacles I'll face. Will you be there by my side like always, supporting me and being a good friend as we walk this road together?"

Orion's expression clouded with confusion as he turned to Callum, his eyes reflecting his unspoken questions about Callum's mother and all that remained unsaid. "What about your mom?" he asked, his voice tinged with curiosity and concern, delving into the shadows of the past that lingered between us. The flickering flames cast dancing shadows across his face, highlighting the furrowed lines of his brow as he awaited my response, a silent plea for clarity in the midst of our shared uncertainty.

As the words hung in the air, a memory stirred within Callum's mind, a vision of the ethereal Goddess bestowing upon him the mark of a chosen one, a symbol etched in shimmering light upon his skin. The weight of her blessing, a silent reassurance of guidance amidst turmoil, lingered in his thoughts as he grappled with the sudden recollection of his mother's inexplicable disappearance, a void in his past that whispered of secrets untold and aching mysteries waiting to be unraveled.

With a heartfelt sigh, Callum opened up to Orion about his mother's sudden disappearance, the memories tinged with both sorrow and unanswered questions. "My mom vanished without a trace," he began, his voice laced with a mix of emotions. "It's like she just disappeared, leaving behind a void in my life and a lot of confusion."

As the words spilled from his lips, Callum's gaze shifted to the mark on his skin, a visual reminder of the Goddess's divine intervention in his life. "But amidst the uncertainty, there was this moment where the Goddess bestowed her mark upon me," he continued, tracing the symbol with a finger. "It's a sign of her guidance and protection, a beacon of hope in the darkness that surrounds us."

Orion's eyes widened in disbelief as Callum revealed the mystery of his mother's disappearance. "Your mom just vanished?" he exclaimed, his voice filled with a mixture of shock and concern, grappling with the sudden revelation of his friends mom disappearance.

As the weight of Callum's words settled between them,Orion's eyes widened in astonishment, a wave of disbelief washing over him as he processed the revelation that Callum, the sole individual without a mark, now bore the same symbol that adorned their skins. The air around them seemed to still, charged with the weight of unspoken truths and the quiet hum of destiny weaving its tapestry around their intertwined lives.

"Callum," Orion breathed, his voice barely above a whisper, "you... you have the mark now too." The words hung between them, heavy with the realization of the newfound connection that bound them together in ways they had never imagined. A sense of wonder and apprehension mingled in Orion's expression, his mind racing to comprehend the mysteries unravelling before him.

As he traced the glowing symbol on Callum's skin, a silent understanding passed between them, a shared journey laced with enigma and the unspoken promise of the path that lay ahead.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 03 ⏰

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