Sam W x Gabriel

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Pairing: bxb
Fandom: Supernatural (Au)

Gabriel paused for a moment, looking up to Sam with soft, wide eyes. Sam's hand was so warm and comforting. Gabriel's eyes darted from Sam's eyes to Sams lips, gulping softly. "Almost..." He whispered, not daring to trust his voice to go any higher than that. "We're gonna both be out of here soon enough.." Gabriel didn't want to think about them being separated just yet. He didn't want to think too much on that part and rather that he would be able to talk to him openly and not hide away.

When Gabriel didn't pull away from his touch, Sam decided to take that as a sign. "Sebastian is busy downstairs with pool and drinks. We probably have a while to ourselves..." He said quietly as he leaned down toward Gabriel and at the same time, he wrapped an arm around him. "Do you want me to leave?" Even though there was nothing he wanted more than spending time with Gabriel, he was going to leave him alone if he said so.

Gabriel felt himself being lit on fire when Sam touched him. His breath got caught in his throat as Sam's face got closer to his own. He let his hands slide up his chest and wrap loosely around his neck. A blush coating his cheeks just slightly and shook his head, "Please stay. I.. I want you to stay Sam" All he wanted was Sam, nothing else. He leaned up a little more and connected there lips in a soft kiss.

Sam let his eyes close when he felt Gabriel's lips against his own once more. It felt like years since the last time he had kissed him and not only a few hours. He sighed into the kiss before he kissed back and kept the kiss light and soft to not overwhelm the guy. The slight pleading in Gabriel's voice made Sam's heart go all soft.

Gabriel melted as Sam kissed him back. God, it felt so good. Soft lips on his leaving him breathless and feeling dizzy. Gabriel went on his tiptoes to push himself more into Sam, his hands winding into his hair as he parted their lips for them to catch their breath.

Sam couldn't hold back a soft moan when Gabriel's hand found its way into his hair. His hair had always been a soft spot for him, which was probably the reason why he had let it grow long in the first place. He opened his eyes and looked at him, when Gabriel pulled away from the kiss, and he looked absolutely stunning. Sam took a couple of steps back and sat down on the huge bed. "Come here." He said and held his hand out to Gabriel.

Gabriel bit his lip hearing Sam moan. God that was a beautiful sound. He wet his lips taking his hand and moved standing between Sam's legs. He reached over blindly and moved the record off the bed and on the closest surface which was the bedside table. "Are you sure?" Gabriel slipped onto Sam's lap straddling him. Gabe felt like every part of him was tingling. Just like in the library but this time they didn't have to pull away.

"We don't have to do anything you don't want to." Sam assured him before Gabriel straddled him. Even though Sam wanted him right here and now, it was important for him to let Gabriel know that it was all up to him. He let his hands stroke Gabriel's sides as he leaned in and kissed his neck softly. The feeling of their naked chests touching made a flame burn inside Sam.

Gabriel smiled softly, feeling a warmth spread through his chest. He trusted Sam. He knew he wouldn't hurt him in any way. He knew he would let him day no. But Gabe wanted to just as much as Sam did. He wanted to. "Ah.." A soft moan slipped past Gabriel's lips when Sam's mouth gently kissed at his neck. Gabes hands winded into Sam's hair with a gentle touch. "I want you, Sam.. I want all of you."

Sam loved the sound Gabriel made as he kissed a trail up Gabriel's neck. Sam knew that he only wanted him because he didn't know who he really was, but it still made him feel all warm and tingly inside. He wanted to be wanted by someone as sweet and pure as Gabriel. "I want you too." He said with a soft moan before he nipped at Gabriel's earlobe. "You make me crazy about you."

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