The Cave/What you are

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David led everyone down a rickety staircase and into a cave. James looked around and saw that the cave was lived in, probably by the bikers. I mean, obviously by the bikers.

David: Not bad, huh?

James: This place is amazing.

David: Yeah, this place was the hottest resort in Santa Carla about eighty-five years ago. Too bad they built it right on the fault line. In 1906, when "The Big One" hit San Francisco, the ground opened up, this place took a header, right into the crack it went.

David clapped his hands for effect.

David: And now it's ours.

The bikers started to chuckle.

Paul: So check it out, boys.

Mike and James walked around for a little bit until they heard David.

David: Marko. Food.

Marko left the cave.

David: See, that's what I love about this place. You ask and you get.

Paul handed David three cigarettes. He gestured for James and Mike to take one.

David: Appetizer?

James: Sure.

James and Micheal smoked their cigarettes. About twenty minutes later, Marko came back with a box full of Chinese take-out.

Marko: Dinner Time! Come and get it boys.

He passed out the food to his biker buddies.

David: Chinese good choice.

David gave rice to James and Mike. They started eating the rice when David leaned forward.

David: How are those maggots?

James: Pardon?

David: Maggots, guys. You're eating Maggots.

The boys looked down at their food and saw that they were eating maggots. They threw their food down and they spit our whatever rice was left in their mouth. James took a second look at the rice, he saw that it was rice again. The biker boys started laughing. Star and Sarah didn't look amused.

Sarah: Leave them alone.

David just smirked.

David: No hard feelings, huh?

Mike: No.

David: How about some noodles?

David leaned forward to give them the box of noodles, when Mike and James looked in the box, they didn't see noodles, they saw worms.

Mike: They're worms.

David: What do you mean they're worms?

James: Don't eat-

He started eating the "worms".

David: They're only noodles guys.

Mike grabbed the box from David and saw they were just noodles. Star and Sarah stepped forward.

Star: That's enough.

Sarah: Yeah.

Paul: Chill out girls.

David whispered something to Makro, he came back with a jeweled bottle, and handed it to David. He opened the bottle and drank from it. He looked at James and Micheal and smirked.

David: Drink some of this. Be one of us.

At first, James and Mike were skeptical about it, Mike thought if he drank from it would make him cool, James thought it would make Sarah like him, he was praying like hell it would. They walked over to David and Mike grabbed the bottle. Star and Sarah walked up behind them. The bikers started chanting their names.

The Lost Boys (A OC Insert)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon