vi - wisdom of hindsight

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chapter six
— wisdom of hindsight


AVERY ATTENDED HER FIRST "REAL" PARTY WHEN SHE WAS A FRESHMAN IN HIGH SCHOOL— let's just say it was a horrifying scene for a fourteen year old girl

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AVERY ATTENDED HER FIRST "REAL" PARTY WHEN SHE WAS A FRESHMAN IN HIGH SCHOOL— let's just say it was a horrifying scene for a fourteen year old girl. She had just become a part of the cheer squad, that for the most part involved older girls and when they asked her to come a "yes" slipped out before she thought twice. When you are the youngest one in that kind of environment (the cheerleader culture) you can't afford nor have the confidence to say no to any kind of invitation.

(If you do, you become irrelevant in a second — which is a horrifying thought for a teenage girl )

Back then she hadn't been big on parties, she found them suffocating and energy absorbing, but they grew on her — or that is what she told herself. During her first two years of high school she attended them religiously — if she wanted to stay relevant she had to attend (those were the unspoken rules). At that time popularity was her number one priority — it consumed her entire being.

She used to be uncomfortable, not knowing how to move around or who to talk to (rather, who not to talk to), but she learned and she grew more confident. This past year she had attended more parties than ever, they were however a bit different from the house parties she attended with the cheer squad (more unhinged).

Now, well, let's just say that she was familiar with the scene.

So, naturally she was left unbothered when all three boys she arrived with separated from her to trail after some girls. Steven walked around with one (very pretty) girl, Conrad openly made out with another (Avery gagged slightly in disgust at that — because, ew, public display of affection) and Jeremiah entertained not only one but two girls (very much sounding like something he would do).

Meanwhile, the brunette teenage girl had drunk a couple of beers, not so that she was drunk, just slightly tipsy (what can she say, it helps her socialize). She stood by the beer keg, waiting for some random guy to (very slowly) fill up her cup when she spotted Belly arriving. Her eyes widened in excitement — she was at stage where literally anyone's presence made her light up with joy. When the guy finally was done filling her cup after his struggle with the keg and was ready to hand it to her, she had already left. Her attention was on the lost looking brunette who had just arrived as she slightly stumbled forward in the sand.

"BELLY— BELLS!" Avery squealed as she came closer to the girl who stood alone. "Oh my god, I'm so glad you came," she said (as if she had actually invited her) and wrapped her arms around a confused Isabel.

i wanna be yours ──  conrad fisherWhere stories live. Discover now