Chapter 3: Going Too America.

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Hisashi had the connections. With him being a Hanma and a strong fighter, it is to be expected. He had friends in high places and since he owned a company, he was rich.

He was going to use his connections to get Izuku into his custody without having Inko and Toshinori involved. In doing so he would be able to leave Japan and go back to America when it's all over.

Izuku was sitting on His Biological Father's shoulders.

Hisashi: "Tell me son, what is your goal in life? What do you want to be when you grow up."

Izuku: "Well, I wanted to be a hero.. just like All Might. Though learning that All Might is my step dad, and neglected me.. I don't know if I want to be a hero anymore. I looked up to him and.. I just don't know."

Hisashi could tell that Izuku was conflicted and devastated. To have your idol be your father and neglect you..It really messed with Izuku.

Hisashi: "Izuku..Listen to me son. You don't have to be a hero if you don't want to. Being a hero is a big responsibility. At your current state, your simply not ready to be a hero."

Izuku: "But-"

Hisashi: "I'm telling the truth, Izuku."

Izuku: "How can I become strong? I'm just a weak Quirkless Deku that won't amount to anything. Kacchan and Izumi said so.."

Hisashi growled.

Hisashi: "Don't ever say that."

Izuku was shocked at his father's deep and serious voice.

Hisashi: "You're Quirkless? So fucking what? I'm Quirkless but I'm recognized as one of the strongest people in America. Quirks doesn't define you, boy. Strength does."

Izuku: "S-strength?"

Hisashi: "Strength is everything. You have Hanma blood flowing within you and it's thicker than your mother's."

He sighed as he stopped that voice and went back to his normal.

Hisashi: "When I get you into my custody. I'll train you and make you strong. Hell, you'll possibly surpass me in terms of strength.

Izuku kept quiet. He started to think on his father's words. If he's right, Strength is more important.

Izuku: "Strength.."

He uttered that word as there was a mysterious glint in his eyes. He wanted to be strong. He didn't want to be weak..

He had to..

He had to be the strongest there is.

Hisashi and Izuku made it to their destination. They were standing in a big building. Izuku looked up, seeing how tall it was.

Izuku: "That's so tall..!"

Hisashi: "Yup.. Inside here is where I will gain custody over you. Don't worry, I'll make sure that Toshinori and Inko don't find out. It would be too late anyway cause the moment we leave Japan is the moment you are completely free."

They went inside and there were people in the lobby. They went up to the the desk where the workers were. A worker looked up and when he saw Hisashi..He smiled.

Worker: "Welcome back Hisashi. Do you need to go meet him?"

Hisashi: "Your spot on. I need to speak to him about my son and something to do with Custody.. Keep this on the low alright?"

Worker: "Your secret is safe with me.  You can go up to the top floor. Boss will be waiting for you."

Hisashi: "Good.."

They went into the elevator and Hisashi pressed the button for the top floor. The elevator started to go up.

Izuku: "Who are we meeting, dad?"

Hisashi: "An old friend of mine. Don't worry, he's nice.."

As the elevator continued to go up, Izuku was staring off into space. It was like he was deep in thought. There was a sudden Ding and the elevator opened. Hisashi put Izuku down and held his hand.

They walked into the room that was guarded by two bodyguards. The room was plain, sitting down in the chair was the owner, Hisashi's friend.

The owner looked up and saw Hisashi. He suddenly had a big smile.

???: "Hisashi old friend! It's been awhile! Didn't know you were in Japan today."

The mysterious man looked down at Izuku, who was hiding behind his father's leg.

???: "Who's the kid?"

Hisashi: "The kid is my son. Izuku Midoriya. I came here because I want to change something and put him into my custody."

???: "Why do you want to put him in your custody? I mean I can do it but I need a reason for it."

Hisashi explained what happened to Izuku. How he was bullied by his friend and his sister. How he was neglected by his mother and father who is current number #1 pro hero.

???: "I see. . ."

Hisashi: "So Sekou, can you do it?"

Sekou: "Of course I can.  I'll keep this on the hush however sooner or later word is going to come out. So when it does, you should already be in America."

Hisashi: "I knew I could count on you, old friend."

Sekou: "Nothing to worry about. You know I try to pull through when you need me. Now let's put Izuku into your custody."

Sekou did some altering and paperwork. He managed to Put Izuku into Hisashi's Custody.

Sekou: "There we go! All finished. Izuku is now in your custody."

Hisashi: "Great! Thanks man. Come on Izuku let's go. The Private plane should be waiting."

Hisashi brought Izuku to the airport and to the private plane. Once inside, Izuku took a seat on a chair and leaned back in it. He was happy. He was going to leave Japan with his biological father. He wouldn't be bullied anymore because he was Quirkless.

Izuku: 'So this is what freedom and relaxing is like.. it feels good. I'm free from those people, free from the bullying and free from the neglect..'

The plane was about to take off.

Izuku: 'I wonder. What is my life going to be like in America? I wonder if I'll meet people I can call a friend..'

He looked out the window. The plane had taken off.. It was heading for America. Izuku smiled.

'Time to start my new life in America..'

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