Chapter 14

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He drove us back to his flat and helped me carry my bags up to the same room I stayed in before going to Niall's flat. I unpacked my bags..again. While I finished unpacking, Harry sat on the bed. Once I was done, I plopped myself on the bed next to him. He wrapped his arms around my waist and kissed my forehead.

"I'm glad your back." He whispered into my ear.

"I'm glad to be back with you." I whispered back to him.

"I can't believe your mine for the week. I'll make it amazing."

"Yay! I'm so excited to spend all this time with you."  

"What are you in the mood to do tonight?" He asked me.

"Anything I guess..I don't really feel like dressing up though. What about a night at home? And we can go out somewhere tomorrow?"

"Sure. That's fine."

"Are you sure? You didn't have anything planned?" I asked him.

"Nope it's fine. Don't worry! I completely understand! You've had to deal with so much going back and forth lately, so whatever makes you happy."

"Thank you." I said and he kissed my forehead.

We sat on the bed and talked for about 2 hours. We talked about everything. We talked about my week with Niall and his week without me. We talked about the qualities that we look for in a boyfriend or girlfriend. We talked about his band. We talked about everything. It made me realize that Harry is so different than everyone says he is. People say he is a manwhore and doesn't care about girls. They say that he just sleeps around with them and uses them. They say he's mean and doesn't care about his fans. This conversation made me realize that none of that is true. He is the complete opposite of what people say. I honestly feel really bad for him. He doesn't deserve what people say about him. I fell in love with his personality during our conversation. I loved that we could be honest with each other. It was only the first day and I could tell it was going to be an amazing week.

After our long conversation we went downstairs and sat on the couch and watches TV. Harry ordered pizza for us to have for dinner. When the pizza came, we brought the box with us and sat back on the couch. We ordered movie after movie after movie. We finished the whole pizza pie and watched 4 movies before I ended up falling asleep with my head on Harry's lap. I woke up half an hour later to Harry carrying me upstairs and placing me on his bed. I opened my eyes to him pulling the blankets over my body. He laid down on the other side and I rolled over to look at him.


"Yes love?"

"Thank you. I love nights where we just cuddle and relax."

"Your welcome. It was fun. Good night." He said before kissing my cheek. I smiled and fell back asleep.

The next morning I woke up in Harry's arms. He must have been awake because as soon as I opened my eyes, I felt his lips come crashing down on mine. He pulled away and smiled at me, which caused my to giggle.

*****HARRYS POV*****

I woke up with Brooke in my arms. There was no other way that I would rather wake up. I looked down at her beautiful face and felt a smile form on my face. I really wanted her to be my girlfriend, so I thought about what I could do to make this week amazing for her. While I was thinking, she woke up. I leaned in to kiss her softly and then pulled away. I smiled at her which caused her to giggle. Her giggle is adorable.

"What would you like for breakfast babe?" I asked her.

"Umm..anything really. It's up to you."

"Okay. How about we take a walk to the bakery?"

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