Chapter 17

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After spending 2 hours at the park with Niall, I decided I had to get home. Niall drove to the park and I walked, so he gave me a ride to Liam's flat even though it was only 2 blocks. I used the key Liam gave me to get in, and then walked to my room. I was suddenly exhausted. I jumped into bed as fast as I could and fell asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow.

The next day I woke up and looked at my phone. It was 1:00! I got out of bed and ran into Claire's room, which was empty. I ran into the living room and found her telling Liam our plan for me asking Niall to be my boyfriend. I sat on the couch next to them and asked Liam what he thought after Claire was finished telling the plan.

"I think it's a great idea! I would love to help with whatever you need." He responded.

"Great! Can you hang out with Niall all day and maybe drop him off at his house at 7:00?" I asked.

"Yeah sure! I'll call him now." Liam told us before leaving the room for a few minutes. I went over the last minute details with Claire until Liam came back.

"I'm gonna go pick up Niall now. Both of you have my number so text me if you need anything or need me to bring him back sooner or later." Liam offered as he grabbed his phone and keys. He took a key off the keychain and tossed it to me. Luckily, I caught it.

"That's the key to Niall's flat. Don't lose it. Bye girls! Good luck!" He told us before walking out the door. We said goodbye and thank you as he left. I went to my room to change and get ready. Claire said to wear comfy clothes and not do my makeup yet because we didn't want it to get messed up while we were setting up the plan. Claire also asked if I could bring my makeup and outfit and anything else I was planning on wearing tonight. She thought it would be better to get ready at his house than having to come back here to get ready.

We brought all of our bags outside and put them in the trunk of Claire's car. There were so many bags because we had all of the stuff we needed for the secret plan and all of the stuff I needed to get ready. We got the text from Liam confirming that they weren't at his house anymore, so we got into the car and pulled out of the driveway. A few minutes later we arrived at Niall's flat. I used the key Liam gave me and unlocked the door. We brought all of the bags in and placed them on the kitchen counter. I brought my bags of clothes and makeup upstairs and put them in the bathroom. I came back down stairs and helped Claire unpack all of the bags.

3 hours later, the plan was ready for action. Everything was perfect! I was super excited but super nervous at the same time. I went up to Niall's bathroom and took a quick shower before Claire helped me get ready. I wore a deep purple high low dress that I was absolutely in love with. I got it when I went shopping with Claire. We plugged in the curling iron while Claire did my makeup. She applied light foundation, eyeshadow, eyeliner, mascara, blush, and lipgloss. It looked pretty and natural-perfect! She curled my hair and made it look gorgeous. It was in big and loose curls. I looked in the full length mirror in Niall's bedroom and smiled. Thanks to Claire, I looked stunning.

Once I was completely ready, it was 6:50. That meant Niall would be home in ten minutes and Claire had to get out of here! I helped Claire bring all of the bags back out to her car, trying to get her to move faster. I gave her a huge hug and thanked her a million times for everything she did to help me. When she pulled out of the driveway, I went back inside and made sure everything was perfect. A few minutes later I heard the doorknob wiggle and footsteps walk in the door. I felt butterflies in my stomach and my palms were getting sweaty.

Here goes nothing.

*****NIALLS POV*****

I walked into my flat after a day with Liam. I noticed a trail of rose petals and a note on the floor. I picked up the note and read it.

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