Zombie Apocalypse Au part 1

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It was a warm and beautiful day in summer. A bus containing a single teen made it's way through the dense forest. Darius looked out the window, watching the trees fly past while remembering what his mother said to him.

"Darius honey you never leave your room anymore. I know your father's passing has been hard for you but it's been two years. Maybe this will help you"

‘Yeah send me miles away from home with strangers to make me feel better’ He'd think to himself, sighing softly. Finally the bus hissed as it stopped infront of the camp's entrance. Darius thanked the bus driver and hopped off, walking into the camp site. It was really quiet and small.
"Oh, hello! Uh you a camper too?"
A green haired teen asked him.
“Uh yeah, this is Camp Cretaceous right?”
"Yep! My name's Hunter"
“Darius” The two shook hands before Hunter lead Darius around the camp.
"That's the girls cabin, that's where the guys stay. There's another cabin if you're neither next to the Counsellors cabin."
The cabins were classic wooden houses, decorations making them feel more lived in.
"What pronouns do you use?"
“Oh He/Him. You?”
"He/Him too, looks like you'll be staying with the boys. Lets get you settled in"
The two entered the cabin and Darius unpacked. As he did he saw the bunk bed across had bags under it, “Where are the other campers?”
"Oh they went hiking! I didn't go because I'm not feeling well. Don't worry it's not contagious"

Hunter finished showing Darius around the camp site before resting at the centre's camp fire, the two chatted up a storm.
“So this camp is dinosaur themed?”
"Yeah I guess they thought most kids liked dinosaurs. I mean I do"
“I love dinosaurs! My favourite is the gallimimus, what about you?”
"Tyrannosaurus Rex! I don't care if it's 'overrated' they're awesome"
“Did you know they had a biting force of 35,000 newtons? For reference ours are only 300 newtons”
"Woah that's crazy! What else do you know?"
Darius looked at him surprised, most people get annoyed with him and his dinosaur facts. He'd spend a solid 10 minutes talking about different dinosaur strengths, Hunter listening intently and trying to absorb all the information he gave. As the two conversed a small group of people came back, two adults and 6 teenagers.

"Well hey there little dude, you another camper?" The male counsellor asked, smiling at him.
“Yeah my name's Darius Bowman?”
"I do recall seeing your name on the list. Welcome to Camp Cretaceous, my name's Roxie."
"And I'm Dave! We'll be your counsellors this summer"
Roxie double checked with Darius that he didn't have any allergies or medical conditions they needed to know about. Afterwards a young girl sporting the camp's uniform and cowboy boots went to him, "Howdy! My name's Samny Gutierrez, I'm super excited to meet ya"
“Its nice to meet you too?” Darius said as Sammy shook his hand vigorously.

"Let me introduce you to everyone! That's Yasmina, Brooklyn, Benjamin, Courtney and Kenji! You've met Hunter here already." Yasmina and Kenji gave him a rather dismissive look, the others greeted him properly. Dave then gave Darius his uniform and urged him to go change, afterwards he joined the others in the mess hall.
Sammy and Yasmina were sitting at one table, the others all at another. Hunter waved at him and gestured for him to sit next by them, to which he did.
Darius sat down as the group was talking about the hike they went on earlier.
"You should've seen his face, I've never seen someone so terrified of a small lizard"
"There are many poisonous lizards out here!"
"Venomous lizards" Hunter, Courtney and Darius said in unison.
"Doesn't matter, what matters it's really dangerous out there!"
"I still can't understand why you're here if you hate the outside so much" Brooklyn said chuckling slightly

"It wasn't my choice, my mom said I needed to get out more" Ben said poking his food with his fork.
"Isn't that why all of us are here though? To get outside or socialise more?" Hunter asked looking around at the table.
"I have no problem socialising, I go out to parties all the time" Kenji said smugly, Courtney mumbling in response "Maybe you're here to learn our people exist"
The two glared at each other, "At least I try to have fun"
"At least I have real friends"
The tension at the table became noticable, Hunter desperately trying to change the topic.
"H-hey um did you guys see any c-cool plants or flowers?"
"I um saw some wild roses" Brooklyn said with a shrug.
"Oh that's cool! I love roses, do you have a favourite flower?" He asked looking at the boy besides him, Darius could see he was clearly nervous
"Uh no but I-"
"Of course he doesn't, what boy likes flowers?"

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