Thorns part 1

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After everything that happened at the park, I never thought it could've gotten worse.

I went to check on Ryuu, a reject tyrannosaurus rex. His growth was stunted and he's stuck looking like an adolescent, he's brown with blue eyes and is big as a bear. While thats still huge it's small for a dinosaur, though I love him regardless.

Just like Bumpy and really any animal he can understand us or at least he listens to me. Anyways Ryuu stays nearby camp, he guards the surrounding area for us. I didn't tell him to do that, he does it because I imagine he cares about us. More likely we're just in his territory but that's no fun. Darius and Yasmin were with me, Darius wanted to write everything I knew about him and asked Yasmina to draw him.

While I'm an artist too I can't draw dinosaurs as realistically as Yas does, not that I care. I like my artstyle, I digress.
I was petting Ryuu while answering Darius' questions.
"So that's how you got banned from the lab?"
“Yep. Dr.Wuu wasn't happy I managed to convince his higher-ups to keep Ryuu. Admittedly marketing dinosaurs as pets isn't something I want but it was the only way I knew would work.”
"How old is he?"
"1 and 3 months I think, my dad made sure no one hurt Ryuu while I was away"
“Then what about that scar? Above his eye?”

I sighed deeply before looking down at the trex, “Another Trex pup did that. He doesn't get along with carnivores, they seem to know he's different”
"What about his diet?"
“Thats wouldn't believe me”
Darius gave a 'really?' look
“Okay he doesn't eat any herbivore meat. At all. He gets physically sick and throws it up, he had to have his nutrients ingested before I figured out what he eats”
"And that is...?"
“Other carnivores. Once every went to shit I found him eating a pterodactyl or rather a pterodon. He didn't get sick like before.”
"Wait he's a cannibal?" Yasmina cut in, finally looking up from drawing.
“Kind of? I haven't seen other trexs besides Rexy since everything went to hell”
"Do know what carnivores he's eaten so far?"
“To my knowledge; Pterodon, Raptor, Allosaurus and a few compies. He might have eaten others so I'm not sure”

After the questionnaire and Yas finished her drawing we went back to camp. Sammy and Kenji had left to go supply hunting, leaving Brooklyn to greet us.
"Hey guys! You get all your questions?"
"Yes..and no. There's still not alot we know about Ryuu"
“I'd say we could check Dr.Wuu's office but...”
"Yeah no we're never going back there" Yasmina said before flopping on a bed. Darius went to finish his notes and I tried reading a book I brought. I say try because Brooklyn was determined to talk to me, trying to get to know me better.

Now I have nothing against Brook, she's great but we don't have to much in common. Besides being queer and on YouTube there wasn't much for us to connect over.
"You seriously don't like it!?"
“Im sorry it's just not my type of mystery show!”
"What is then?"
“...Criminal Minds and Scooby-Doo”
"That kid show with the talking dog??"
“Scooby is my childhood and I will always love it”
She rolled her eyes playfully before trying to think of something to talk about.
" have a crush on anyone?"
Brooklyn gasped as her eyes lit up,
"Oh my god you do! Is it someone here or at home?"
I felt my face heat up and couldn't answer het
"It's someone here!? Tell me! Yasmina? Sammy? Me??"
“What? Hell no you're way too young for me!”
"Isn't only 2 years though?"
“Its still very frowned upon unless we're over 20”

I looked away, gripping my book as I muster the strength to speak up.
“I have-...I had a crush on Ben...”
Her cheery expression faded when I said this, now looking sympathetic and horrified.
"Oh...Oh Hunter I'm sorry I didn't mean..."
“Its fine, you couldn't have known-”
I started to cough, suddenly feeling like I couldn't breathe. I dropped my book and fell to the floor, desperately trying to get air.
"Hunter? Hunter! Oh god are you okay!?"

Brooklyn knelt down next to me, hitting my back trying clear my throat. Her panicks made Yasmina and Darius rush in, "What happened?"
"I don't know he can't breathe!"
I felt Darius look into my mouth, "There's something in his throat. He's choking!"
Next thing I know Yasmina is giving me the Heimlich maneuver per Brooklyn's instructions.
Finally as cough and frankly vomit, I'm able to breathe again. I felt weak and the girls had to keep me from falling, looking down at my puke puddle there was a few flowers in it.
"What the hell? You didn't eat those did you?" Yas asked looking at me funny, I shook my head quickly.
"O-of course not! Im n-not ctazy!"

Darius looked at the flowers, "It's some kind of yellow flower or a weed?"
“No it''s dandelions.” I said once I got a better look at it. Afterwards Brooklyn forced me to lay down, I didn't want to go to sleep so she let me lay down on the couch. Darius cleaned up while Yas gave me some water.
“Im sorry guys...”
"What are you sorry for? I doubt you wanted to vomit up flowers"
"Yeah and there's blood on it! Are you sure you're okay?" I smiled weakly at Brooklyn.
“Im fine now, just embarrassed that it happened.”
"That what happened?" Looking up Sammy and Kenji had come back, looking at us confused.

We told them what happened and I got worried looks, "Shit dude are you sure you're okay??"
“Im fine Kenji-” I said started to cough again, thankfully nothing came up except for a few red petals. Brooklyn picked them with some toilet paper, looking at them.
"That's so strange...these are definitely roses petals"
"Do you have a garden in your stomach?" Yas asked sarcastically but it made me realise something.
“No but...maybe in my lungs”
"What? I wasn't-"
“I know you weren't being serious but it makes sense”
"Uh no it doesn't?" Kenji cut in
"How does anything grow in your lungs?" Sammy asked with a concerned face. "And how you know it's not in your stomach?"

“Think about it. The flowers would be digested or at the very least not be able to grow. My lungs give the flowers the Co2 it needs to grow but I'm not too sure about everything else.”
"This is so crazy. It's like the hanaki disease"
“Hold you know about that? Wait wait you read fanfiction!?”
"Why's that so surprising? Hold on do you read it?"
“Uh duh? It's the only thing I really read besides fantasy”
Brooklyn and I got temporarily sidetrack before Yasmina snapped as out.

"Could either of you explain what this hanaki disease is?"
“Its a love illness. It happens when someone experiences one sided love, flowers grow in their lungs”
"Basically the infected loves someone but that someone doesn't love them back, at least to their knowledge. Only way to get rid of it is through someone returning the love or surgery"
“But that surgery would take away my ability to feel love again. Besides that's just fiction...well it was supposed to be.”
"Its not contagious is it?" Sammy asked backing up slightly
“Ha no unless you have feelings for something that doesn't feel the same you'll be fine” The rest of the day was spent thinking of ways to fix this aswell as introducing the others to fanfiction.

What luck, I'll die even if I get off this island.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Aug 28, 2023 ⏰

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