soft - sandor clegane

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in which sandor clegane is taught to be gentle by m/n.

In the realm of Westeros, amidst the turmoil of power struggles and battles, Sandor Clegane, known as the fearsome Hound, found an unexpected refuge from his own inner storms

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In the realm of Westeros, amidst the turmoil of power struggles and battles, Sandor Clegane, known as the fearsome Hound, found an unexpected refuge from his own inner storms. It was in the quiet moments, away from the clamor of the world, that he discovered solace and tenderness in the arms of his tinier boyfriend.

Their love story was a quiet symphony of contrasts – the imposing figure of the Hound, scarred and weathered by life's trials, and his boyfriend, a beacon of gentleness and light. Their first meeting had been unremarkable to an outsider's eye, yet it was a moment that etched itself into their hearts, setting the stage for a love that would blossom against all odds.

In the early hours of dawn, as the first light of morning painted the sky with hues of soft rose and gold, Sandor found himself wandering through a secluded garden. It was there that he encountered his boyfriend, who was tending to the delicate flowers with a tenderness that seemed incongruous with Sandor's reputation.

Their eyes met, and a hesitant smile tugged at the corners of Sandor's lips. "Didn't take you for a gardener."

His boyfriend's laughter was like a melody, soothing and warm. "There's more to me than meets the eye, Sandor."

As the days turned into weeks, Sandor and his boyfriend's connection deepened, revealing layers of vulnerability that they had never dared to show before. Sandor, who had spent a lifetime guarding his heart, found himself opening up in ways he never thought possible. His boyfriend's presence was a balm to his wounds, healing him with kindness and understanding.

One evening, as they sat by a crackling fire, Sandor's large hand found its way to his boyfriend's, their fingers intertwining in a gesture of quiet intimacy. "I ain't used to being treated with such gentleness."

His boyfriend's eyes were full of affection. "You deserve kindness just as much as anyone else, Sandor. You have a heart that's been through battles, both on the field and within."

Sandor's throat tightened with emotion, a mixture of gratitude and vulnerability. "You've a way with words."

His boyfriend leaned in, their lips meeting in a soft, reassuring kiss. "And you have a way of making my heart feel at ease, even in the darkest of times."

As their love story unfolded, Sandor discovered a newfound tenderness within himself – a side he had long believed to be buried beneath the armor of his scars. He found himself cooking meals for his boyfriend, their laughter filling the air as they attempted culinary feats together. In the quiet hours of the evening, he would hold his boyfriend close, their bodies pressed together in a silent promise of safety and warmth.

One day, as they walked through a meadow, Sandor couldn't help but be captivated by the sight of his boyfriend picking wildflowers. Kneeling down beside them, he joined in, his large hands surprisingly gentle as he cradled delicate petals.

"You've got a soft spot for these, I see," Sandor remarked, a fond smile playing on his lips.

His boyfriend grinned, their eyes sparkling. "Just like you, Sandor. Beneath the armor, there's beauty and vulnerability."

Sandor's heart swelled at the words, his fingers brushing against his boyfriend's cheek. "You see right through me, don't you?"

With a playful twinkle in their eyes, his boyfriend leaned in, their lips meeting in a kiss that spoke of all the unspoken feelings between them – the tenderness, the vulnerability, and the unwavering love.

As time marched on, their love grew stronger, a testament to the power of finding solace in each other's embrace. In the world of Westeros, where strength was often measured by the sword, Sandor and his boyfriend showed that true strength could also be found in vulnerability and tenderness. Through their love, they discovered a sanctuary where scars were not just reminders of battles fought, but symbols of a journey taken together – a journey that led them to a love that was as gentle as it was fierce.

As their love deepened, Sandor found himself cherishing the moments that were uniquely theirs. They would steal away to secret corners of the castle, where they could share whispered confessions and stolen kisses. In those stolen moments, Sandor's gruff exterior melted away, revealing the man who had been longing for love and acceptance.

One evening, as a storm raged outside, they found themselves nestled by the fire in their shared chambers. Sandor's fingers traced gentle patterns on his boyfriend's skin as they spoke softly of dreams and aspirations.

"Never thought I'd find someone who'd make me feel like I belong," Sandor confessed, his voice a rasp softened by emotion.

His boyfriend turned to him, their eyes filled with understanding. "You've always belonged here, Sandor – in my heart."

The sincerity in their words stirred something within Sandor, an overwhelming surge of affection that he couldn't contain. He leaned in, their lips meeting in a kiss that was as gentle as it was passionate, a fusion of unspoken emotions that defied words.

In the months that followed, their love story continued to bloom like a garden in springtime. Sandor discovered that he had a talent for creating intricate wood carvings, pouring his emotions into each piece he crafted. He gifted his boyfriend a delicate carving of a wildflower, a symbol of their love's quiet strength.

"You've a way of surprising me," his boyfriend said with a delighted smile, cradling the wood carving in their hands.

Sandor's fingers brushed against the curve of their cheek. "You've shown me a side of myself I never knew existed."

Their love was also marked by playful banter and shared laughter. They would embark on adventures through the forests, exploring the beauty of nature while creating memories that would forever be etched in their hearts.

One clear night, as they lay beneath a starlit sky, Sandor wrapped his arm around his boyfriend, pulling them close. "You know, I used to be afraid of the dark."

His boyfriend looked up at him, their gaze steady. "And now?"

Sandor's lips curled into a rare, tender smile. "Now, I've got you. You've become my light in the darkness."

Their lips met in a soft, lingering kiss, a silent affirmation of the love that had blossomed between them. In each other's embrace, they found the strength to face the challenges that lay ahead.

As the seasons cycled through their eternal dance, their love remained a constant, unyielding force in a world that often seemed merciless. Their connection was a testament to the power of vulnerability and gentleness – qualities that, in the hands of two people who cared deeply for each other, transformed into symbols of strength and resilience.

And so, within the intricate tapestry of Westeros, amidst battles and alliances, Sandor and his boyfriend's love story continued to be written in the quiet moments, in stolen glances, and in the promise of a future that they would face together. Their love was a gentle flame that burned brightly, illuminating the corners of their lives and reminding them that, no matter the challenges they encountered, they were each other's refuge, forever bound by a love that defied the odds.

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