2 | Fresh Start

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"Mr. Crowley?! You're awake!!" Exclaimed the angel, who now runs the bookshop in Aziraphales place.

Crowley looks at the small angel, forgetting for a moment that he was holding himself up for dear life; and started to fall. Muriel quickly runs over and wraps their arms under the demons, slowly picking him back up. Typically, Crowley would shove and deny needing any help, and try to get Muriel off him. But he was so week and in so much pain, all he did was thank her.
After Muriel realized that Crowley was mostly able to stand on his own, they let him go a bit, still staying by his side just in case.
"Are you ok? What's happened to you?! I could've sworn when I was here last you were doing perfectly well-" Muriel started rambling, shocked and confused, feeling the need to ask so many questions. Crowley wasn't listening, his mind only focusing on needing to go into the bathroom.
"Muriel..." Crowley tried to muster. They weren't listening, still rambling. "Muriel." He started getting a little louder, but they were so focused on trying to get answers, that they didn't even stop for him to answer.
"MURIEL!" Crowley shouted. The angel stopped, finally looking the demon in the face; realizing he was talking to them. Their face was flushed with embarrassment.

"S-sorry! What is it Mr. Crowley?" They straightened themself, being sure to keep Crowley from falling while doing so.
"I-" Crowley paused, trying to remember what he was going to say. "Never mind, just... can we walk towards the bathroom? I need to do some stuff" Crowley shook his head, then looked back down at the angel holding him up under his arm.
"O-oh! Oh yes- yes of course!" Muriel tried to move quickly, but then heard Crowley hiss in pain. They stopped. Muriel wasn't good at reading others and figuring out what they were feeling; but they DID learn that someone making that noise never meant anything good. They took a step back, lining them and Crowley back up.
"Are... are you ok?" Muriel hesitantly asks. Crowley had his eyes shut, and was trying to avoid grinding his teeth. "Y-yeah let's... just, move slowly" he replied, wanting to scream, but still feeling like his vocals hadn't quite come back yet. He sighed, trying his best to ignore the pain as best as he could. He realizes at this point, that the bathroom being all the way down the hall, is both the most inconvenient and convenient placement. For moments like this it's really inconvenient since he's in so much pain, but it conveniently helps him get used to walking again since he has to walk a certain distance. Him and Muriel start moving in that direction, starting off very slow. Muriel kept ahold of his arm as they walked; struggling to hold him up until he could at least move on his own. As they kept walking, he started to be able to walk without having to completely use Muriel for support; allowing them to slowly let go, and walk very close by. Crowley was still moving very slowly, but he didn't think he was about to fall anymore. After a few minutes, they reached the bathroom, and Crowley sighs in relief.
"Ok, I've made it, I don't need you now, so feel free to go." Crowley turned his back towards the angel, going to turn the door handle while leaning on his crutch.
"Oh, well, I was thinking" Muriel started, bringing back their bubbly attitude. Crowley turns around to the angel, glaring, but Muriel doesn't notice. "With how you appear to be struggling, I figured I can at least help you around! I can make you some tea, bring you a blanket, oh! Braid your hair!!" Crowleys eyes softened, realizing he wasn't going to get them to leave.
"You know what, fine, just... go, I don't know... explore or something." Crowley wasn't overly worried about the angel doing anything, they were way too pure to get themselves into trouble. Muriel brightened up, skipping away to explore the flat, a choir of oohs and awes coming out with every little thing they say. Crowley just rolled his eyes, hiding a smile and going into the restroom, closing the door behind him
Curse this bloody body, making me have to put up with this shit the demon thought. He immediately reached into the medicine cabinet, grabbing the pain reliever. He found it and shook a few tablets out. When he put them in his hand, he used a miracle to help enhance the effects. He would always use them to relieve the pain faster and for a longer period of time, that way he didn't have to constantly take the meds. He popped them in his mouth, not bothering to get water, and swallowed. He looked up with his eyes closed, feeling the pain starting to subside already. The pain never completely goes away since, again; that's not how the miracles work, but it becomes manageable. He tried to start easing up on crutch, but when he started to fumble, he went right back to using it completely.
Fuck he thought, realizing that he's gonna have to walk around with a cane again. It's not that he minded; it made him look like a rich and distinguished gentleman, but it was annoying to travel with. Crowley looked back down, finally facing himself in the mirror. Oh dear Satan he thought. Crowley looked like a mess, mostly because of his hair. He looked down, realizing that some of the hair on his head was stuck in the door, and his beard touched the top of his feet. It looked and felt disgusting.

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