7 | As Worlds Collide Once More

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    A singular word was spoken, and a thick silence filled the air; choking the inhabitants within the room. Aziraphale and Crowley kept their eyes locked on each others; both of them wanting to say something but instead let the silence linger. A tear ran down the Angels face. It felt like there was nothing else in that room except Crowley. He wanted to run up and hug the demon, embrace him with praises and tell him everything that has been happening in Heaven. He then noticed a strand of hair starting to get in the serpents face. He slightly looked away from his eyes to see a long braided train; following its path and leading towards- Aziraphale softly gasped, now noticing the cane that Crowley had been leaning on to keep himself up right. It came back, was all he thought, feeling a heavy burden start to weigh on his chest.
    Crowley watched as the angel was now staring at his cane. He started to feel weak at the knees, and it wasn't because of the physical pain this time. He watched as more tears ran down Aziraphale's face. He took a single step forward and started to wobble as his legs slightly shook. Is it really him? It can't be- I must be seeing things! There's no way... Crowley kept inching forward; his legs threatening to give out under him as a tear rolled down his cheek. When he got to the middle of the room, he placed his cane wrong causing it to slip and slide to the other side of the room. Crowley's eyes went wide out of shock and fear as his body started to fall to the ground. Muriel went to catch him but immediately stopped. Aziraphale had lunged at the falling demon before the other angel could even move. He landed on his knees as his arms hooked under Crowley's, causing the demons head to land on his shoulder and grapple onto the back of the angels coat. Crowley's legs sprawled and his body quivered at the touch. They both stayed there for a moment in silence. A sob had finally broken it; the cries coming from Crowley as he buried his head deeper into the nape of the angels neck. Aziraphale silently let the tears in his eyes fall, as he now gently squeezed the weak frame of the demon in front of him; burying his own head into his shoulder.
Not a single word was uttered; just the cries of the two immortal beings filled the air. They may have not properly spoken, but they've known each other for long enough to know what each gasp and hiccup meant. They felt each others disbelief in being in the others presence; the relief of knowing they were both present and somewhat okay. They stayed there, crying in the others embrace for quite sometime.

Crowley after a while finally took a deep breathe, trying to remove himself off of the angel. He looked around the room, trying to find his cane. He spotted it, but then his eyes hooked onto Aziraphale's as he turned to move away. He looked into those angel eyes, hypnotized by the way they shimmered, but upon closer inspection, something wasn't right. What was once a watercolor painting of different shades of browns, blues and greens with a hint of gold, was now only a flat and slightly glowing purple hue. Those are not his, was all the demon thought. He pushed himself away, tearing his eyes from the angels desperate looks. He snapped for his cane again, and struggled as he tried to push himself off of the ground. Aziraphale quickly got up and attempted to lend the demon a helping hand, only for Crowley to give a dismissive wave as he managed to get up onto his feet on his own. Crowley grabbed his cane and took a few steps back, now taking a more evaluating look at the angel. His eyes got wider with every detail he noticed out of place. It wasn't just the angels eyes that were different. Aziraphales once tattering ensemble, were now replaced with a clean and brand new looking suit. His beige trench coat was now a crème colored tail coat; his waistcoat that had been worn from the years of wear and tear now brand new with a slightly lighter shade of the same crème color. His button up shirt and pants, were now a pristine white, and his tartan bowtie was a much lighter color scheme, matching that of his coats. He had additionally adorn a gold pin in the shape of a pair of angel wings, with cuff links to match. Everything else seemed to be the exact same about the angel, but his eyes are what bothered Crowley the most. Those were not his angels eyes, neither were the clothes. For an angel that hated change, he seemed to have done a lot of it.
"You're not Aziraphale..." the demon took a shivering breathe, fear now starting to come in waves through him. "Who are you?" The angel cocked his head to the side, his brows stitched together.
"My dear, whatever do you mean?" Aziraphale chuckled as his hands touched his chest. "It's me! Who else could I possibly be?" Crowley looked him up and down. It felt like him; looked mostly like him, but those eyes... and that suit... it couldn't be. Something wasn't right, and for a brief second, it scarred him.
"N-no no no... you can't be him... he went back to heaven." Crowley violently shook his head, taking a few more steps backwards and almost tripping again. Muriel came up behind the demon and gently placed a hand on his back to keep him from falling; now looking at the other angel terrified. They didn't have a clue what was happening, and it scarred them to not know what to do.
"B-but Crowley, it IS me! I came back! I've been trying to find my way back for so long, and I did! Now I'm here again, with you..." Aziraphale felt a tear comeback, clearly distraught at the sight of the demon backing away in what was presumed of unknown fear. "We can finally be an us, just like you said!" Aziraphale smiled with his arms opened wide; the tear now running down his face. Crowley took a sharp inhale, knowing only the angel would know that. But something still wasn't right, and now, Crowley started to feel enraged.
"Be an us? BE AN US?!" Crowley now shouted at the angel in front of him, causing both Aziraphale and Muriel to flinch. Crowley stormed forward towards the angel, his own tears threatening to spill once more.
"How could you think, that after EVERYTHING you did that day, that you could just... COME BACK AND EXPECT ME TO WELCOME YOU WITH OPEN ARMS!!" Crowley got right in Aziraphale's face, glaring daggers into those glowing purple eyes. The angel stammered to find words, only coming out with stuttering sounds, as his eyes were wide and pouring out. He didn't dare move an inch. He had never been afraid of the demon before, but there was something about this moment; it frightened him. He watched as snake scales pushed from under the demons skin around his cheek bones and temple. He didn't know what to do, or what to say for that matter. He blinked a couple of times, finally lowering his hands that he was unknowingly clenching over his chest. He closed his eyes and took a shaky deep breathe. When he opened again, he looked Crowley in those gorgeous amber eyes and spoke softly.
"I-" he stuttered, taking another breath to try again. "I'm sorry, Crowley..." The demons glare softened. He saw how genuine the angel was being. He clenched his eyes shut, and turned away from the angel. He started to walk away, opening his eyes to spot his lenses that had come off when he first entered the bookshop. He quietly hobbled over to them, gently picking them up and placing them on the bridge of his nose once more. The angel started crying harder, watching his demon silently glide through the shop. He started to panic, words finally spilling and showing no sign of being able to stop.
    "I-I don't know what else say! I-I'm sorry! So so Sorry! I was wrong, you were right! I-I can even do the dance to PROVE how sorry I am! I could do it from now to the rest of eternity-" Crowley turned back around, his face now unable to show any emotion as the pain in his eyes hid behind those sunshades. The scales slowly started to sink back into his skin.
    "I-I've spent... so many years trying to figure out how to comeback to you, a-and here I am! I-I can't loose you again, not after everything I had just gone through to get here-" Crowley now slunk towards the angel, still no emotion and the scales now completely gone.
    "P-please, don't leave me! I can't do it again! I can't keep feeling this aching pain anymore! I can't do this on my own-" Crowley had gotten so close in such a short amount of time, and Aziraphale just kept begging. They stood toe to toe again; the angel felt the demons breathe as he loomed over him.
    "I n- I need you-" Aziraphale whispered, only to be interrupted by Crowley's hand covering his mouth. Aziraphale stared into the lenses, just barley being able to see the pain in the serpents eyes. Crowley took a shaky breathe, and leaned into the angels ear.
    "I can't forgive you... not yet anyway..." Crowley spoke softly so only he could hear. he leaned back up, pulling his hand off of the angels face. He turned around and went over to Muriel checking to see if they were ok after he had yelled. They nodded their head and hugged the demon; he hugged back. He wished the angel well and rubbed their head, then walked towards the entrance where the other angel stood. He walked past Aziraphale, and their shoulders brushed against each other. He opened the door, letting the harsh winds of the rain storm hit him. He turned for a moment to give a side eye to Aziraphale, only to see his back turned as his fists were clenched at his side. Crowley turned back around, and left the bookshop. As soon as Aziraphale heard the shop door slam, he let out all of the sobs he had been holding back, not even caring that the other angel was still there.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 13, 2023 ⏰

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