Chapter Seven

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Emily seemed confused. She didn't know how to make sense of her relationship with Ric. One minute he treated her as though she was all that mattered and the next he was cold and distant. Her skin tingled as she remembered how he kissed her and the look in his eyes but she couldn't think of that right now. The reason behind her kidnapping was still on her mind. The sooner she figured out what that vampire wanted with her she could leave here once and for all. Lief came by that morning to see her just as she finished showering. She saw him looking at her mark and tried covering it up with her long hair. Her body was still sore and didn't feel up to company but after the incident with Ric the sight of her cousin was just the reprieve she needed. Those thoughts came crashing down when she heard what he had to say. "Emily do you remember the tale of the Blood Prince and the White Witch?" "Yes-why?" "We were going through theories surrounding your kidnapping and I think that may be the reason why you were kidnapped....but I am not sure." "Well it makes sense....but not many people know of the don't suppose someone from the coven is giving out information?" Her cousin was thoughtful for a while then said, "It is possible but we need to be certain and we will need to tell Ric...." "Li if it's the tale then we are going to war and soon...."


Emily anxiously waited for Ric to react to all she had said. Long ago there was a vampire prince who was mated to witch. Their ultimate goal was to create a child so powerful he would rule all the supernaturals since he would be a hybrid-part vampire, part werewolf and part witch. Several heard of their plans and feared they would cause the world's ultimate destruction. Together the vampire and the witch casted a powerful spell that would ensure the baby came out powerful. During their lengthy spell several supernaturals were sacrificed for their selfish purpose. After hearing this several packs, clans and covens came together and decided to kill the witch while she was pregnant and stake her lover. The succeeded in their mission however the witch cursed them declaring that as long as her blood roams the Earth a hybrid shall be birthed. This lead to the witches of her coven being hunted down and killed. The remaining members hid fearing for their lives. This took place a millennium ago however it is a known fact among her coven members only (since the information was confidential) that Emily is the last direct descendent of the witch and maybe that is why vampires seem interested with her. Her mate didn't seem to like this one bit. They were in his office along with Lief and she had just told him about the tale. His face wore a blank mask but she then noticed the way his hand gripped the back of his chair until his knuckles were white. He started trembling violently and his eyes went blank. His wolf was in control now. He then proceeded to break everything in the room all while she sat there wide eyed with Lief standing guard behind her. She was now crying. She turned to ask him why he wasn't helping but just indicated for her to follow him out the room. Just as Lief took her hand he was flung across the room where he passed out besides the wall. "Mine!" Ric growled hugging her to his hard chest. She knew werewolves were very territorial especially after they marked their mates. Her being in danger and him being an alpha made that urge that much harder. She knew being his mate she would be able to calm him down. She slowly wrapped her arms around him and buried her face into his chest. He made a whimpering sound and nuzzled into her neck taking deep calming breaths. Eventually she felt his body relax and she hugged him harder. They stood there for a while until she remembered Lief laid injured a few feet away and she pulled away. Ric in turn growled and held her again. She couldn't help but chuckle at his wolf antics. "Ric come back to me...I need to go heal Lief before it's too late. He let go and she didn't hesitate to rush to Lief only to find him gone....


Ric drank in the sight of his mate as she tended to his wounds. Her lips, her skin.... He still can't believe he let his wolf take over. After he had forcibly mark Emily he was overcome with so much emotion mainly guilt for all those years ago and decided to go for a run in the forest bordering his pack and the town of Greenville. The cold air and fresh scents calmed his wolf greatly. After the run he decided to go look for Zan in case there were updates in the investigation but then realized that his abrupt departure might have upset his mate and ventured to find her. He knew marking her so early and not settling things between them was a messed up move. He looked everywhere but couldn't find her. His wolf became agitated. Find mate! Find mate! He followed her scent to his office where he saw her talking quietly with Lief. She turned to him looking troubled and the apology he had is his mouth was swallowed. When she told him about the tale his wolf was ready for blood. However he needed a plan but first he needed to send Emily to a safe place. So far only he knew about the tale other than elite members of the Gemini Coven. He was thankful to Lief even though he nearly killed him a hour ago. Lief was currently in the pack's infirmary after being treated by Emily. Apparently Tate came in his office while Emily was calming him and did damage control. His mate was now tending to his wounds. Her magic touched him in an intimate way as her glowing hands trailed across his body not touching him but delivering a balmy feeling. He knew now was the perfect opportunity to settle a few issues.

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