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May, 1743

        Inverness, Inverness-shire, Scotland

“Dinna fash, laddie–we’re almost at port, so it willna be much longer before we can disembark.”

        Twenty-two-Year-old James Jamie Fraser let out one of the most miserable-sounding groans his godfather–a somewhat distant cousin by the name of Murtagh FitzGibbons Fraser–had ever heard in response. It was far from unexpected, considering how prone to seasickness the lad was–in fact, he was lucky to’ve survived the Journey South to France in the first place, never mind this one North, back to Scotland. No doubt he’d have to find them somewhere safe to shelter for the Night, and once he’d achieved that, he’d have to seek out a Healer of some sort that could hopefully offer something that’d settle his wame so he could get some sustenance into him.

        After what seemed like half a Lifetime, the ship they’d boarded back in Calais along the Northern Coast of France was finally tied off to the dock they’d sailed up alongside. The port Town of Inverness was fairly closeta their ultimate destination–Lallybroch, the estate that’d become the home of Jamie’s parents after their wedding–so they were finally in the home stretch. It felt like they’d Traveled a million miles, and they still had a way to go to reach home, but it was nearly in sight compared to before.

        Once Murtagh’d gotten his godson Hidden away for Protection, considering the price–ten pounds Sterling–that was on his head, the older man set off about his next mission. There was surely a Healer somewhere in Inverness, and if not, in one of the outlying Villages that were essentially an extension of the estate they were closest to. He just had to find whoever that Healer happened to be and bring them back to the small, abandoned cottage he’d found to serve as their lodging overnight. And he happened to get fairly lucky, ’cuz it didn’t take him nearly as long to find his target as he’d imagined it would when he set out.

        “Good Day, Mistress,” he said, miming tipping a hat since he currently wasn’t wearing one. “Ye wouldna happen to be able to tell me where I can find the Healer of Inverness, would ye?”

        “Aye, ye’re looking at her,” the young lass he’d approached responded, and he noted that her Highland accent seemed to be mixed with something else. “How can I be helping ye?”

        “And ye could come with me, I’ve someone in need of some tending,” Murtagh told her, hoping his urgency was conveyed in his voice so she wouldn’t think him guilty of having some rather atrocious Thoughts in mind. “I canna say too much out in the open like this, or I’d gladly tell ye everything.”

        “Mmmph.” She eyed him almost suspiciously before turning her back to rifle through what appeared to be various vials and other containers. “What ails yer friend, then?”

        “Seasickness, lassie,” the older man answered. “We just disembarked from a ship that sailed from Calais, ken.”

        “May no be enough remedies for that in this entire cottage,” the young lass murmured, more so to herself than anyone. “Depends on how atrocious their seasickness became, of course.”

        “Och, I daresay he’s lucky to still be alive right now,” Murtagh admitted. “And we canna get his wame settled soon, I Fear he’ll starve to Death.”

        “Then let us make haste,” she said, snatching up the basket she’d been packing. “And just call me Rose, and ye’re no good wi’ Irish names.”

        “So, that’s what I heard coloring yer accent so strangely!” the older man laughed, offering his elbow like any gentleman would as they stepped outta her cottage. “I couldna quite puzzle it out, but I didna wanna be rude by inquiring.”

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