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October, 1744

The next month and a-half by passed by, and everybody was just as quick to notice how peaceful things’d become as they were to realize that the gingers were at least annoyed with each other. In fact, it’d taken Jenny just a single look at her younger brother the Morn after being chained to his bed to realize exactly what’d Changed, and she’d simply shot him a knowing grin. Other than her and maybe the adult Morgans, nobody else’d seemed to figure it out–and if they had, they’d chosen to keep their mouths shut outta Respect for them.

        But with that Change came a bit of an internal War for Jamie, ’cuz there was a part of him that still held fast to his Lifelong Catholic beliefs. That part of him felt like he was dishonoring the lass that found her way into his bed damn near on a Nightly basis, even though she’d been the one to start it–and had ultimately left the choice up to him. And that part of him also felt like he was gonna burn in Hell for Eternity now, whether he at least suggested making an honest lass of her or not, let alone actually did so.

        It was for that reason that he finally pulled Lachlan aside one Day, making it seem like he was merely looking for a sparring partner he wouldn’t kill and couldn’t find any of the other Elves. Said man could practically read him like an open book with just a single look, so he already kent that that wasn’t why he wanted to get him alone. But he was quick to gesture to the rest of his family to just leave them be, that same gesture being directed toward Murtagh and Ian when they noticed them slipping away from the barn toward the Woods. He felt there was no need to humiliate the younger lad by having witnessesta a conversation he clearly didn’t want overheard by anyone.

        “Ye dinna even have to say a word, bhalaich–I’m certain I can already guess why ye wanna speak to me,” he chuckled once they were outta earshot and he’d also surrounded them with a spell Shield that’d mask their conversation to be sure no one overheard.

        “How can ye be so certain of that?” Jamie chuckled, unable to help the nervous note to his voice.

        “Yer body language and eyes say a lot more than yer mouth does,” the Elvin man told him.

        He couldn’t help said eyes widening, but simply nodded as he waited for him to continue.

        “Besides, I ken me daughter weel enough to tell, and she’s been wi’ a man in what most others’d call a compromising sense,” Lachlan said. “And even iffen I didna, think ye I’m no auld and experienced enough to tell when any couple’s been together in a biblical sense wi’out having to ask?”

        “Weel, I wouldna say I thought that, per sé,” the ginger lad admitted.

        “Ye’ll quickly learn, and ye havena already, that I’m far more observant than I let on,” he chuckled. “That’s one of the things that’s saved me hide in War many a Time–and makes me a damn good spy when employed as such, ken.”

        “Then ye’ve kent ever since the first Night Róisín came to me cabin,” Jamie said, his words a statement, rather than a question.

        “Och, I’m pretty sure the entirety of our combined families’ve kent,” the Elvin man laughed. “Exactly how depends on the person in question–yer family obviously kens ye better than mine does, and mine kens Róisín better than yers.”

        “Then I’m thankful nobody’s said anything to either of us–at least, as far as I ken,” he sighed. “Just as I’m thankful ye’re no running me through wi’ an Iron sword right now.”

        Laughing once again, Lachlan reminded him how he’d said that the issue between them was something that could only be worked out by the would-be couple, and no other. He also reminded him of how he’d told him that he’d long since learned not to argue with his wife or daughter, and the Pagan ways of their Ancestors that they upheld as staunchly as he stuck to his own Protestant teachings. Neither of those lasses were worth going up against, if he didn’t absolutely have to, so he preferred keeping them on his side–it was called choosing one’s battles wisely.

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