part 1

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"Once again, Spider-man saves the day"

The TV lit up to show a video of spider-man fighting some kind of lizard guy.

Those villains seemed to get weirder and weirder by the day. What's next? A purple alien collecting rocks???

Before the video could even end, my dad quickly changed the channel to some random documentary about spiders.
'Huh, ain't that a weird coincidence'.

-All everyone keeps talking about is spider-man man this, spider-man that.
He grumbles. All he does is make us cops job's harder! We keep having to clean up his mess, and this spider guy gets all the credit.

He set the food on the table with an annoyed looking expression while mumbling about how his workload increased tenfold after the vigilante's arrival.

My father never really liked spider-man, but neither did I.

Ever since he appeared, a bunch of evil guys started appearing to take him down.

It was fine at first, but then the villains got more and more destructive and annoying. Like, two of my favourite hang out spaces were burned down to a crisp because of them. It's not very fair to blame the guy stopping the villains because of that, but come on! Can't they fight somewhere else, preferably in another country.

-whats so bad bout' him..

My complaining thoughts were interrupted by my brother's mumbling.

Weirdly enough, Peter was the only one in the family that didn't seem to dislike spider-man. His best friend did die because of him (although said best friend did turn out to be a supervillain), so it's pretty surprising that Peter didn't develop some kind of hatred towards spider dude.

- what was that? My dad said in a sharp tone.

Peter obviously did not expect dad to hear him because his eyes widened slightly.

-are you telling me you like this guy?! Dad continued in a shout.

-Well he does make your job 100 times easier, doesn't he?? He's the one that fight AND catches the villains, all you have to is lock them up!

-Don't you dare to speak to me that way!!

Oooooooh, this was bad, dad was starting to get angry on a dangerous level. I looked at Peter with my eyes, praying that he stops talking. Spider-man was NOT worth it.

Guess God was really busy or something, because my prayers remained unanswered.

- Why? Because I'm right?? You're only mad cuz' you can't do half of what he does!!

There was silence. Both from my dad, probably too stunned to speak (wich was understandable, Peter has never been this disrespectful before) and from Peter, probably rethinking his life decisions.

It didn't last long, since my dad's surprise expression quickly turned into a scowl.

He took a beer bottle (he seemed to always have one with him) and smashed it on the table. The crashing sound causing both my brother and me to flinch.

He then stormed out of the house through the front door, slamming the door behind him, leaving his two kids behind.

We both stayed quiet, processing what just happened. Although it seemed Peter still had some anger piled up, because he ended up running up to his room, closing his door with a loud thud.

Like father, like son, huh.

I shook my head, I shouldn't be thinking that. Peter was in no way like our father.

I was going to get up from my chair when I suddenly stepped on something sharp. I checked my foot, a bit of blood flowed out of it.

-...I should probably clean up that glass first.


Here's the first part!!

I hope u like for now and idk if it's long enough or a bit to short, but for the first I think it's good. :)

If u have any comments or advise about it pls tell us so we can better ourselves for next time !!<3

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