part 2

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It was around 11 in the afternoon, I was finishing up some stupid science essay for the next day, guess procrastinating the whole week wasn't that good of an idea. Dad was already sleeping, so at least I wasn't dealing with that.

After the argument, my dad was gone for a while. The days went by normally, even if he was absent. It wasn't unusual for him to leave, but he (sadly) always ended up coming back home after a few days.

Gambling? Working? (Definitely not) Becoming a supervillain? I have no idea why or how he goes missing and then comes back. But do I ever plan on finding out? Absolutely not. His business outside home has nothing to do with me and in no way am I getting involved in his bullshit.

This time thought, he came back in pretty rough shape. A black eye and a bunch of bruises everywhere. I didn't think it was possible for him to look uglier than usual, but hey, congratulations! You deserve an award, dad!

Peter also deserves an award. The "worse-guy-alive-at-hiding-the-fact-that-he's-sneaking-out-late-in-the-afternoon-and-coming-back-home-before-morning" award!

He always leaves and comes back at the same time. He thinks he's good at hiding it, but it's pretty obvious. The problem isn't the fact that he's sneaking out, it's how and why.

We live in an apartment that is high enough for someone to at least break a few bones while jumping from it. And from my investigations (I put tape on his door to see if he opened it to get out), Peter doesn't use the front door or the fire escape to sneak out, he doesn't even leave his room! So I don't know how the fuck he goes out. The only option would be the window in his room, but like I said, it would result in broken bones, which Peter clearly doesn't have.

Also, why does he go out every day. What does he even do?? I first thought it might've been a job, but I'm pretty sure I would've known if he got money from somewhere. My only guess right now is that he's in a cult, offering sacrifices to the Devil in exchange for like, Legos or something like that.

I finished up the last sentence of my paragraph and closed my computer after saving my work, not bothering to look over it again.

I was getting ready to go to sleep when a strange, sudden noise caught my attention. It was coming from outside. I decided to go check it out, thinking it was probably another stray animal stealing food from the trash.

I stepped out onto the balcony to see if I could find out what the cause of the noise was from up. As soon as I did that, I noticed something was wrong, very wrong.

Everything was... glitching? Weird, bright colors were spreading everywhere, causing many random objects to appear out of thin air.

Holy shit, is that a frickin lamppost inside of my trash can??? And what the fuck- Why is there a giant shelf merged with a mailbox??!

I could see a bunch of parts of New York glitching, a car randomly teleported on top of a close-by building, crashing with the motherfucking piano (???wtf) that had also appeared out of nowhere.

I closed my eyes and reopened them; omg I'm not dreaming what the hell.

I was frozen on spot, confused with what was even going on. I however couldn't stay that way very long, since I felt the ground under me shift. I looked down and-

Oh god I'm also glitching!?What is going on???Am I dying?!!

One second, I was on top of a mountain, then inside my school and even falling from the sky. I felt panic start to overwhelm me more and more as I kept changing settings. I closed my eyes once again, hoping for it to be over soon.

The shifts came to a stop. Carefully, I opened my eyelids and started looking around. I didn't know where I was, it looked like some kind of lab. There were glass containers, each containing a spider in it, but I noticed as I got closer, one of them was empty. I felt something drop on my hand and was going to check it, when everything around me started glitching violently, the walls, the roof, the ground, and myself.

As if on instinct, I shut closed my eyes for the third time, but nothing came. I didn't feel any shifting. As I opened my eyes, I realised I was back where I was at the start, on my balcony.

For a second, I felt like everything that had happened was a dream, a figment of my imagination but no, it felt way too real. Plus, i could still see the lamppost inside of the trash can and huh, add a Christmas tree to that. I looked around once more and my eyes landed on my hand.

A spider was there.

With caution, I walked back inside my home. I still felt extremely disturbed with what had just happened, so I wanted to find out more about everything that just happened, and for some reason, I felt like this spider could help me get my answers.

I quickly rushed to my room, making sure not to startle the arachnid on the way. Its colors and shape reminded me of the glitches I just saw, it looked unnatural and was definitely different from what normal spiders should look like.

I tried putting it under the microscope gifted to me from my mother, but I think it saw what I was planning, because it suddenly bit me.


The bite startled me, but it actually didn't hurt much. I simply sighed and placed it under the microscope once again.

-what the hell even is going on with its DNA...? The spider- no, the DNA of the spider itself is glitching, something's not right...

While i mumbled, I glanced at the clock, 01:04. It was late, and I had school tomorrow. I sighed.

I'll look into it tomorrow, I'm way too tired for this bullshit right now.

I placed the spider inside a glass container, hid it inside my desk and laid down in my bed. I fell asleep in minutes, the events of the day tiring me enough to ignore all the unanswered questions in my mind.

Part 2 is finally out !!!
Sorry it took a while
Cuz me n my friends started school not long ago and we got really busy the weeks before that 💀

Art isn't mine

But anyway u hope u'll like your part !!

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 11, 2023 ⏰

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