Chapter 1

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It was a hot and humid evening, the sun beginning to set into a horizon of deep ambers and scarlets. Tank's doc's scuffed against the ground as she strolled. She towered over most women with her broad frame and robust body. She was busty with thick thighs and flattering curves. Her jawline was sharp, like the look in her striking silver eyes. Her hair was black, shaved on the sides and slicked back, strands poking out here and there.

She walked for a good while around a forest near her soon to be in buisness studio. "You came out here to clear your head, not fill it with more worry" Tank muttered to herself, annoyed. She sat herself on a nearby rock and lit a cigarette. She began to smoke, thinking long and hard about the studio. "This is big, probably the biggest thing in my life and I'm worrying about it? I'm supposed to be happy!" Tank thought to herself, smoking her cigarette. She sighed and leaned back when she noticed something sparkling in the corner of her eye. Curious to see what was causing it, she stubbed out her cigarette and looked for the source of the light, her eyes being brought to a beautiful crystal.

" oh wow.." she gasped, before picking it up and holding it to the light, admiring it in its full beauty as she swirled it around, totally mesmerised by the shocking vermillion and reddish tints to it. "What a pretty gem..." Tank said in awe. "You're coming back with me. " she stuffs it into her back pocket, and as the sun set and twilight kicked in, she decided to start heading back. It was mid to late August, so the nights were starting to get longer and a velvety navy blanket of darkness had already started to coat the sky. It was clear.

The stars were out and bright. It was cold out, but oddly enough, Tank felt quite warm. She fidgeted with the pretty rock inside her pocket, feeling the glow of its heat under her hand. She gets in the door, trapsed up the stairs and tossed it onto the dresser, then herself onto her bed without even taking off her boots. She watched its beautiful glimmer as she drifted off, a good feeling in her gut.

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