platonic hoodie sharing

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you talk about who you like.
you're my friend.
you're my friend.
and it may not be right,
but i think i love you.
love in the dark eyes on bright screens way,
love like a friend.
i don't want you to love someone else
i crave your approval.
i crave your love and
it feels wrong for you to care for someone else.
because if not me then who,
and if not you,
then who?
my body aches
for the gentle teasing of your voice,
the slight smell of you
on my favorite hoodie.
you carry too much of my soul
too many of my tears,
a few too many memories,
for it to be anyone else.
i love you like a dog,
and you love me like it's teeth,
and i will not have it any other way.
don't love someone else.


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