To the past! P1

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Whenever there is a P. infront of the name, it's the past person from season 1. This is usually used from the Narrator's and Kai's POV. For Kai from anyone in the past will be F. Kai.


Narrator's POV:

P. Kai and Jay are training on the deck of the Bounty when suddenly they see a person falling from the sky and land in some nearby bushes. Jay ran inside to get Master Wu and Kai ran to the person who fell into the bushes. 

P. Kai's POV: 

"Hey, are you ok?" I questioned the guy as I ran up to the bushes.

I hadn't gotten an answer. I decided to get him out of the bush and wait until Master Wu got here with Jay. After a few minutes, Jay and Master Wu had gotten here and asked me on what happened.

"Well, he fell from the sky and he seems to be unconscious." I reply.

"We should bring him inside to make sure he's fully good." Master Wu said, grabbing the guy to bring him inside. 

Once we got inside, we placed him in an extra room and did a full check up. "He seems to be okay. After he get a little bit of rest, he'll be fine." Nya exclaimed

After about five hours, he heard a noise in the room we placed the guy in. We all got up and went into the room to see Master Wu talking to him.

Kai's POV:

"Where am I" I said, not fully realizing I was in the past.

"You are in the Destiny's Bounty. Are you feeling well?" The person next to me said.

"Yeah" I said rubbing the side of my head. 

"Could we know your name?" The person next to me said.

"How could you not know me!" I exclaimed. "I'm Kai, the red ninja. How did you not recognize me? I finally look up to the guy and finally realize I was in the past. I looked to the side of P. Master Wu and seen everyone's past self.

"How can that be!? I'm the red ninja!" My past self declared.

I look to my past self, "Wow I used to look uglier. I'm glad I changed the hair style"

"How can you say that!? I'm the best looking person here!?" Past me said.

"Well, not that I'm here. I look way better than you." I exclaimed.

My past self was staring to talk right before P. Nya said, "Before you both try to kill each other,  could we know why you said that your the red ninja. As Kai is right here."

"Oh yeah, well im from the future. So if you haven't realized yet, I'm Kai from the future." I answered.

Everyone looked at me in shock until P. Master Wu ask to talk to him privately. "Ok, everyone out except for future Kai." P. Master Wu said, shooing everyone else away.

P. Master Wu's POV: 

"So, how did you even get here?" I questioned F. Kai.

"I must've mixed up the two teas." He answered.

"Mixed up teas? Usually they look nothing alike?" I said.

"Yeah we'll the tea that was right beside mine so happened to be Timing Tea." (This is a tea I just made up that brings you to the past.) F. Kai said, rubbing the back of his head.

Kamu telah mencapai bab terakhir yang dipublikasikan.

⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Aug 18, 2023 ⏰

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