CH12: Resurgence III.

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Morimiya's aura pulsed with an intensity that filled the catacombs, suddenly erupting, casting a ruddy glow that danced upon the ancient walls, pushing Altair and Myoga away, destroying any barrier that was put up by Myoga and cancelling their advances on him. 

" Enough of this warm-up. "

Morimiya proclaimed, his voice dripping with confidence. Altair and Myoga braced themselves as Morimiya's aura swelled, forming a crimson cocoon around him. The transformation was obvious; his movements became more fluid, his speed heightened, and his strikes infused with an otherworldly strength, not to mention the large assortment of crimson colored armor wrapping around every crevice of his body. Myoga exchanged a knowing glance with Altair, their determination not wavering even in the face of Morimiya's escalated power. Morimiya's attacks became a whirlwind of calculated movements, each blow punctuated by his eerie crimson energy. However, Altair and Myoga managed to hold their ground, their teamwork growing even more harmonious as they adapted to Morimiya's changed style.

As the battle raged on, Morimiya subtly eased up on his assault, his sinister grin revealing a calculated intent. He observed Altair and Myoga's reactions, analyzing their patterns and waiting for the opportune moment to strike. In the midst of the intense combat, Altair's eyes gleamed with a cunning resolve. He channeled his energy, his aura manifesting into a deep shadow around him. Myoga, too, tapped into his inner strength, his regal authority manifesting in a radiant golden aura. They spoke in sync, as they activated their abilities. 

" Umbra's Embrace! " 

 " King's Dominion! "

Amidst the catacombs, Altair melted into the shadows, blending seamlessly with the darkness, becoming nearly invisible. Myoga's aura expanded, commanding and regal, forming a protective barrier around him. But as their powers surged, an unforeseen consequence unfolded. The catacombs' ancient structure groaned, walls cracking as if protesting the overwhelming energy coursing through them. Altair sprang from the shadows, his daggers moving with precision as he engaged Morimiya once again. Morimiya parried Altair's strikes with ease, his movements calculated and efficient. However, Altair and Myoga managed to hold their ground, their teamwork growing even more harmonious as they adapted to Morimiya's changed style. Morimiya, his grin widening, focused his power. 

" Vampiric Familiar. "

He muttered, and with a swift motion of his hand, he summoned a swarm of bats from the shadows, their dark forms swirling around him. The battle reached a fever pitch, each fighter pushing their abilities to the limit. Myoga, empowered by Excalibur, channeled the sword's elemental manipulation ability. He thrust his blade into the ground, causing a surge of lightning to arc towards Morimiya. But Morimiya's control over his vampiric familiars was swift, and the bats acted as a living shield, dispersing the electric energy. The catacombs' foundations trembled beneath the weight of their power, cracks spiderwebbing across the walls. Myoga's regal aura surged, and flames erupted from Excalibur's blade, forming a torrent of fire that shot towards Morimiya. Morimiya's crimson armor absorbed the impact, his familiars darting around him to counteract the blaze. Amidst the clash of elements and familiars, Altair and Myoga exchanged glances, a shared understanding passing between them. The catacombs seemed to protest their struggle, the very air crackling with tension. They knew they had to bring the battle to a swift conclusion.

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