CH13: Remedy

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Haruki's hands moved with practiced precision as he administered the healing potions to each member of the Fabled Few. The forest around them seemed to hold its breath, as if nature itself recognized the gravity of the moment. Keya, who had suffered the least damage, was the first to respond to the potions' effects. Her shallow breaths steadied, and a blush of color crept back into her pale cheeks. Haruki's lips curled into a satisfied smile, reassured that the potions were working their magic. Beside her, Malin stirred, her eyelids fluttering open as the potion's revitalizing energy coursed through her. Her lips curled into a small smile as she met Haruki's gaze. Her eyes held a mixture of confusion and curiosity, silently questioning the inexplicable phenomenon she had just experienced.

" I'll explain it all later. Don't think about it too much. "

Haruki whispered, his voice a soothing melody that seemed to blend with the rustling leaves and crackling fire. With a subtle nod, Malin closed her eyes again, seemingly content to accept the mystery until a better time. Haruki's attention shifted to the still-unconscious Henry, his brow furrowing in concern. His friend's injuries were severe, and though Haruki had done what he could with the healing potions, he felt a growing sense of helplessness. The potions had staunched the bleeding, but they weren't enough to mend the deeper wounds.

" I could use... Revitalize... "

Haruki murmured to himself, his voice barely audible. The memory of Morimiya's transformation served as a cautionary tale, but at this point, Haruki was willing to take the risk to save Henry. The skeletons continued their vigil, keeping a watchful eye on the surroundings. Haruki's mind raced, contemplating the potential consequences of using the Revitalize skill. He knew that it could bring Henry back from unconsciousness, but he also couldn't shake the thought of what might happen afterward. The memory of Morimiya's eerie transformation loomed in his mind, a reminder of the unpredictable nature of his own abilities. 

" What's wrong? Why isn't he waking up? "


Amid his internal struggle, Keya's voice broke through his thoughts, sharp with concern as she spotted Henry's motionless form. Keya's urgency hung in the air like a silent plea for reassurance. She rushed over, her green eyes wide with worry, a reflection of the verdant forest around them.

" The fight with the goblins seemed to have taken a much larger toll on him then we assumed. Is there anything you can do to help, Keya? " 

Haruki looked at Keya as he spoke, looking back down at Henry. Keya hesitated, the weight of responsibility settling onto her shoulders. She closed her eyes, drawing upon the ancient Elven magic that flowed through her veins. A soft, ethereal glow enveloped her as her magic weaved through the air, intertwining with the very essence of the forest. The same glow encased Henry, and Haruki watched with a mix of anticipation and hope. As Keya's magic took effect, Henry's chest rose and fell with steadier breaths. His eyelids quivered, a prelude to awakening. Haruki's heart raced in sync with each flutter, his worry giving way to cautious optimism. A pale, serene light spread over the clearing as Keya's healing magic worked in harmony with the potions. 

" It seems like he's waking up. My healing magic should help him regain his strength, but it will take some time for it to work. Although, mixed with your healing potions, it should speed the process up faster then usual. " 

Keya explained, her voice soft but determined. Haruki nodded, his own relief evident in his expression.

" Thank you, Keya. You're a lifesaver. "

Keya offered a reassuring smile before turning her attention back to Henry. 

" Just let the magic do its work. He'll be back on his feet in no time. "

As they waited for Henry's recovery, the tension in the air began to ease. The skeletons maintained their watchful stance, standing guard to ensure the group's safety while Haruki, Keya, and Malin focused on their injured friend. Hours passed, the sun gradually setting as the sky shifted to hues of orange and pink. Henry's breathing became steadier, and his eyelids continued to flutter as he slowly regained consciousness. Haruki stayed by his side, the worry in his eyes replaced by a glimmer of hope. Finally, Henry's eyes blinked open, his gaze unfocused for a moment before he registered his surroundings. He turned his head slightly, meeting Haruki's relieved smile. 

" Hey, Henry, Welcome back. "

Haruki greeted softly. 

 " What... happened? "

Henry's voice was weak as he replied, a hint of confusion in his eyes. 

" You all took a beating, at the goblin base. I've been here for the past few hours patching you guys up. And thanks to Keya's magic and the healing potion, you're on the road to recovery. "

Haruki explained as Keya stepped forward, her green blue gentle. 

" You've been unconscious for a while, but your body is responding well to the treatment. "

Henry's lips curved into a faint smile, gratitude evident in his gaze as he looked at each of his companions. 

" I can't thank you enough. You guys really saved me. "

Malin, who had been watching the scene unfold, offered a playful grin. 

" Of course we did. We can't let you off that easily. "

The light banter brought a chuckle to Henry's lips, a sign that he was indeed regaining his strength.

 " I appreciate it, really. "

As the sky darkened, the group settled into a more comfortable atmosphere. The crackling of a small campfire provided both warmth and a sense of camaraderie. Haruki, Keya, Malin, and Henry sat in a circle, sharing stories and laughter as they passed the time. With Henry on the mend, the worries of the earlier battle began to fade into the background. The bond among the Fabled Few grew stronger, a testament to the trust and friendship they had forged in the face of adversity. As the night deepened, Haruki looked at his companions with a sense of gratitude. Despite the dangers they faced and the challenges that lay ahead, he knew that as long as they stood together, they could overcome anything. And in that moment, sitting under the stars, he felt a newfound sense of hope and determination that would guide them on their journey.

- " State Of Rationality. " -Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang