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"well maybe if you weren't such a drunk and you actually focused on your life instead of trying to be with a woman because you love having sex and receiving affection from women you wouldn't be so sad and your life would be better!"

"what did you just say to me?"her father replied in an angry tone. Aurora notices the anger in her father's face and the tone in his voice starts to scare her.

"i j-just think you don't need a woman to make you feel better dad, y-you j-just need to b-be y-yourself. " she said trying to calm her father down.

"oh what do you know your just a dumb kid who thinks she knows everything and has the world handed to her" "oh you have no idea you drunk piece of- before she can finish her sentence her dad punches her in the face "YOU KNOW NOTHING YOU STUPID BITCH".

He repeatedly kicks her while she's crying on the floor, blood coming from her mouth. "dad p-please s-stop". Her dad keeps kicking her really hard in the face, then really hard in the stomach, then he walks to the fridge and grabs a beer and goes to sit on the couch to lay down.

Aurora slowly gets up in pain with a busted lip and a bruised eye. "now go to school maybe you'll actually learn something" he said with a laugh. "D-dad I c-cant go to school like this p-people will notice a-and s-start to question" Her father let's out a sigh.

"Aurora you better walk out that door and go to school before I get up and teach you another lesson". Aurora gets scared. She runs to her room, grabs her bag and her phone from her room and runs out the door.

Aurora arrived at school and immediately noticed the curious stares from her classmates due to her bruised eye and busted lip. Feeling self-conscious, she hurried to the bathroom and discreetly applied foundation to hide the bruise.

However, she couldn't conceal her busted lip, so she hoped it would go unnoticed. As she walked out of the bathroom, the lingering stares made her wonder how she managed to hide the bruise so quickly.

Determined to ignore the attention, Aurora headed to her locker to gather her belongings for first period. Just as she was organizing her bag, Caspian approached her with concern in his voice.

"Heyyy Aurora, sorry about-" he began, but his sentence was cut short as he noticed her busted lip. "Oh my God, Aurora, your lip! Are you okay?" he asked, genuinely worried.

Aurora, feeling a mix of anger and frustration, snapped at Caspian. "Caspian, I'm fine! It's nothing, just forget about it, okay?" she replied with an angry tone, hoping he would drop the subject.

Despite her dismissive response, Caspian genuinely cared about her well-being. He persisted, saying, "Aurora, that doesn't look like nothing. What happened?"

Frustrated, Aurora slammed her locker shut and raised her voice. "Caspian, I said it's nothing! Just leave me alone, okay?" With that, she walked away, leaving everyone around them stunned by the sudden outburst.

Meanwhile, Emilliano, observing the situation from a distance while chatting with a group of girls at his locker, couldn't help but feel confused.

The girls started laughing, and Emilliano, puzzled, thought to himself, "What happened there?"

Caspian, unsure of what had transpired, simply shrugged and decided to head to the bathroom.

Aurora walked towards her fourth-period class, feeling exhausted and overwhelmed by the attention she was receiving. As she approached the classroom door, her teacher, Mr. Hawthorne, greeted her with concern.

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