Confident Charlie

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Over the years Charlie had become a more confident person in every way. 

He was more confident socially, he was better and standing up to people, he had more self esteem he was much more confident with physical intimacy. Nick had watched Charlie bloom from a shy insecure boy into a confident happy man and that filled him with joy. 

Charlie always had a tendency to believe that him just existing was annoying to other people. But now he no longer thought of himself as a waste of space. 

Nick would watch his boyfriend do ordinary things and notice small details, like when Charlie was sitting with people he didn't fold his hand in his lap to make himself as small as possible. He didn't let people talk over him.

And when the two of them were alone Charlie was much more confident with with physical intimacy. Nick had led most of the time which they both enjoyed, but now Charlie had the confidence to start things.

It made nick happy to see Charlie happy. Nick knew he had played a big roll in Charlies journey and Charlie had done the same for him. Nick wouldn't have had the courage to come out to the school if Charlie hadn't been there holding his hand, and whenever nick saw Charlie he couldn't stop smiling. They completed each other.

But there was another side to confident Charlie that nick liked. His new boyfriend was really turning him on. For example one time they were making out Charlie tugged at nicks hair, just a little bit. In the past Charlie would never have been bold enough to do things like that and nick was surprised by how much it turned him on.

Nick was usually the dominant one who led but every now and again Charlie would take charge, something nick enjoyed and encouraged.

One night nick was sitting on the bed when Charlie came out of the shower, Nick couldn't help but stare at his beautiful boyfriend. Charlie was towering his wet hair and he hadn't put on a shirt yet. When Charlie caught nick looking nick was worried, Charlie had always been sensitive about people looking at his torso.

But Charlie gave a devilish smile and dropped the towel. Nick couldn't decide what he loved more, looking at Charlie naked or seeing how confident Charlie had become in his own body.

Nick and Charlies intimacy struggles. HeartstopperWhere stories live. Discover now