Chapter 75 + 76

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Chapter Seventy-Five: Killing—people—la——

"My surname is Gao, Gao Shuang, you can call me Sister Shuang." Said the water red girl in big sable.

At this time, five minutes had passed since Gao Shuang discovered the young man in the rear compartment. The car was parked in the emergency lane on the side of the road. The young man was wearing a blanket that she found after rummaging through the suitcase, but the blanket was clearly It wasn't warm enough, and the man exposed to the cold wind couldn't stop shivering even if he wrapped the blanket tightly.

"No, I'm sorry, I sneaked in when you were changing tires before, I'm not a bad person... My clothes and wallet were all stolen by robbers, just take me to the city... I'm very sorry, don't be afraid, I'm really not a bad person..."

Gao Shuang is not worried that he will be in danger. She has eyes with long false eyelashes, looking at people from under the sunglasses, with curiosity in her eyes:

"Where's your mobile phone? Was it also taken away?"

The man, namely Mo Nai, nodded.

"I'm afraid we won't be on the way. How about this? I'll call you a police car to drive you home."

"I won't get in the police car." Mo Nai was taken aback. The blanket on his shoulders slid down a lot, he simply refused to approve, and put the blanket back into the car, "I won't get in the police car, I'll just go, thank you for your help."

Saying this, he didn't forget to turn around and collect the fruits and vegetables he brought from the passenger seat again.

Gao Shuang looked angry and funny, she slapped Mo Nai on the shoulder: "Okay, okay, if you don't get in the police car, you can't get in the police car. You are so afraid of the police, it can't be—"

Mo Nai's body was stiff and he clenched his fists.

"A kid who ran away from home?" A woman's delicate voice came from behind.

"..." Mo Nai, "I, I am 28."

"What?" Gao Shuang was taken aback, "You are 28? I thought you were only 18. What skin care products do you use and how do you take care of them? Your skin is so fair and there is no wrinkle on your face?"

"That's it, go to bed early and get up early, don't bask in the sun." Mo Nai said in embarrassment, and he emphasized, "Don't call the police!"

"I know, I know, then I will call Didi for you and take you to the nearest city." Gao Shuang said.

Mo Nai nodded confusedly, halfway through, he still didn't understand, and asked anxiously, "Didi?"

"Yes, Didi."

"What is Didi?"


Gao Shuang was shocked, but soon she realized that the man in front of him not only didn’t understand Didi, but also didn’t understand all the emerging concepts. He didn’t know what ofo was, he didn’t know what live broadcast was, and he didn’t know what homestay was. I don't even know what a power bank is - my god, I don't even know a power bank!

The most outrageous thing is that for mobile phones, his impression is still on keyboard-type mobile phones.

"Oh My God, brother, are you the caveman who just went down the mountain today?"

However, the younger brother only opened a pair of rabbit-like eyes and looked at her blankly: "I am not, I know that the song in your car is "The Sun Never Sets" by Jolin Tsai."

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