Chapter 292 Extra 7 (End)

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Chapter 292 Birthday Extra

Dreams are false.
Dreams and reality are opposites.
Huo Ran knew that he was dreaming. He dreamed of his student days, high school.
He was in the classroom, an empty classroom, no one, it was dusk, the light was between red and yellow, both bright and dim. He was held by someone and sat on his desk, his whole body trembling slightly. The person blocked the light of the setting sun coming from the window, and a moist, sweaty kiss fell on his cheek.
He felt as if he had been burned, and his whole body trembled.
But his body was already embraced by someone, and he felt like a fish in the other person's palm. He jumped in vain, not like struggling, but like he was being pushed into the other person's palm.
The hands holding him easily lifted the hem of his sportswear, rubbed his waist and abdomen, came to his chest, and pinched his nipples.
A little pain.
It's not all...painful.
Huo Ran bit his lip and felt that the pinched area quickly swelled up on the other's fingertips, became swollen and heated, and pressed against the other's fingertips, as if they were struggling.
He wanted this weird reaction to go away, but no matter how he tried, it was to no avail. It just made that place more swollen and painful.
A strange body that is no longer under my control.
"So sensitive." The person in front of him was praising, "Have you never been touched by anyone before?" "..." "
don't you talk? I want to hear your voice." The guy was complaining, "Don't you like this? No. If you like it, I'll leave. I jumped out of the car and ran all the way back just for you. I might get a demerit from the school if I turn around. Is this how you entertain me?" When the voice fell, Huo Ranyin's body was empty. That
person Let go and really go.
Before his will, his hand grasped the other party's sleeve.
"What does this mean?" The man sighed, "If you don't speak, I can't guess it."
That's a lie. Huo Ranyin thought. When I was solving a case, I had to brag about how smart I was several times a day, but now that it's my turn, I just pretended that I couldn't figure it out?
Such an obvious thing...
Huo Ranyin couldn't say it.
this is a dream, not reality. Whatever you do in a dream is okay, right?
"...stay." His mouth finally opened, and a muffled voice came out of his throat.
Once opened, his mouth could not be closed.
The person behind him put his fingers in and stirred his tongue. He felt that a lot of saliva was secreted in his mouth. The saliva wetted the other person's fingers and overflowed.
He swallowed the excess saliva in embarrassment, but his muscles tightened, as if he was sucking on the other person's fingers.
The man was pleased by this kind of thing, so he came back, hugged him again, and kissed him carefully. The kisses were like raindrops, falling on his eyes and nose, with the smell of salty sweat. It seemed that it was really what he said. , he jumped off the high-speed train to the capital and ran all the way back to find himself.
Although he knew that everything in the dream was fake, the falseness that seemed to be real still made Huo Ranyin feel secretly happy in his heart.
"What about what I asked just now?"
"...for the first time," Huo Ran said with satisfaction, "Are you satisfied?"
His voice suddenly trembled, and the other party's hand reached into his pants. , The loose sweatshirt couldn't stop these, and his desire couldn't help teasing him, and he stood up in an instant, feeling swollen and uncomfortable.
But the evil hand doesn't stop here at all.
He only rubbed the most critical spot briefly, and then immediately slid back. When Huo Ran caught up with his confused consciousness, the hand had already separated his buttocks and squeezed into that spot deftly.
"No..." He gasped, tightening his hips and legs, trying to squeeze out the finger that penetrated his body.
But this action seemed to be in vain. Instead, he clamped the finger tightly inside his body, allowing the finger to explore the inside of his body calmly and wantonly.
"Don't you want it?" the man said, "But by dressing like this, aren't you trying to seduce me into doing this kind of thing?" ...
what am I wearing?
Huo Ranyin wanted to refute, but the sweat on the other person's body had already enveloped him. He was wrapped in the other person's breath, as if he was in a sauna with extremely high temperature, and his body and IQ were steamed until soft.
He shook his head feebly, and his distracted eyes moved to the side and saw the glass window of the classroom.
The transparent windows of the classroom, while framing the scenery outside the window, also reflected his appearance at this time.
He was wearing sleeveless shorts and sportswear. The loose sleeveless vest slid down his shoulders, exposing half of his chest. The nipples that had been played with were full of blood, like unopened flower buds, standing upright on his white chest, lightly Trembling slightly.
His trousers were pulled down to the crook of his legs at some point, and his legs had been folded so close to his chest that half of his waist and buttocks were exposed...
Huo Ran lost his strength due to a moment of distraction, and clamped his legs tightly together. The fingers in the body let go.
The finger left, and the instrument thicker than the finger was pressed against the entrance of his hole again. He inserted it briefly in front of the hole twice, but it didn't go in. He moved it away again. Huo Ranyin saw what the other person took out of his pocket. Thing, unscrew, squeeze in.
It was as cold as ice, as if something like water was poured into it.
Huo Ran's body trembled because of this. He wanted to curse, but the sound came out like a kitten whimpering: "Carrying such a thing with you? It's obscene..." "But." The man seemed troubled and
very Innocent, "You said you would treat me like this as soon as I come back, so I took it with me."
I never said that! Huo Ranyin was not angry.
But...but this is a dream...Dreams are reflections of thoughts. Did I really think about it?
He was at a loss for words, but the man who was doing whatever he wanted on him didn't stop. His back hole was filled with lubrication and was wet, as if water was dripping out. He was so embarrassed that he couldn't decide whether to tighten the place. Still hesitating, the huge thing that had moved away came back. This time, it broke in without any hesitation!
Huo Ranyin was able to stand up because of being pushed up.
"Ha, ha--"
His voice was like his body, shaking completely uncontrollably. The man's hands were around his waist, his shoulders and back were pressed against the desk, and his lower body was hanging in the air, wanting to He spread his legs to grab the other person's waist, but his legs were bound in one place by the sweatpants. He could only passively let the person galloping over him completely.
The huge thing that broke into the body was like a stick, hitting the deepest part of the body hard every time.
He wanted to block him at first, and he wanted to resist, but his body and posterior acupoints, which were experiencing this for the first time, were no match for the opponent. After just a few collisions, he completely softened, and the thrusts that originally felt painful were also rubbing. There was an unspeakable sour and numb taste.
He was dizzy and didn't know what he was talking about. He just felt like he was being thrown into the violent storm. He was ups and downs with every impact exerted on his body. He was filled to the brim and was shaking. With every shake, the inside of his body was... The filled liquid seemed to be in danger of pouring out.
He tried his best to endure it, and said with a trembling voice:
"Slow down...slow down...I can't bear it...please..."
But it had the opposite effect. It seemed that the more he begged, the more people around him wanted to see him losing control, and what followed was The collision became more and more fierce and left no space.
The critical point was broken, and he gasped and shot out ball after ball of white turbidity, staining his pants and body. He was happily released, as if he was completely spread out in front of the other person.
Huo Ran didn't want to do this, so he immediately raised his hand and crossed his face.
The thrusting in the body slowly stopped.
But he didn't soften. He gasped softly in Huo Ranyin's ears.
Then, the other party's voice rang out: "Why are you covering your face? You are so beautiful now... Why are you hiding it?" "
Your aesthetic..." Huo Ranyin said hoarsely.
Less than halfway through the words, the other person inserted his fingers, pressed his tongue, and suppressed the rest of the words.
...Do you only know this trick?
Huo Ranyin wanted to glare at someone, but his eyes were completely dark. After realizing it, he raised his arm to block his eyes.
He couldn't reply, but the man's joking voice rang out without delay: "My aesthetics are normal, if you are not beautiful..."
Huo Ranyin's body suddenly moved backward, rubbing the shoulders and back of the table, feeling It's a little bit hot. Did the skin get scratched when you were being pressed? But then, this small pain disappeared from his brain.
The thing still buried in his body pushed deeper, and he was pushed upright. His shoulders were hugged, and a hot kiss fell on his throat.
The man kissed him like this, biting the skin on his neck, and said:
"If you weren't beautiful, why would my cock get hard when I see you, and I want to fuck you until you can't say anything else except me?" Something?"
The feeling of being in a sauna, which can soften both the body and the mind, came again.
Huo Ran was picked up in a daze. When he realized something was wrong, he was already pressed against the blackboard. The unique smell of chalk and books, the smell of the classroom, rushed into his nose.
This was what he had learned in his daily life... what he hated...
But now, it was suddenly different.
The man was standing behind him, and the thing was still in his body. He was covered in wet and sticky water, and he didn't know whether it was sweat or semen.
He was a little unsteady, his legs felt weak, and he wanted to slide down, but as long as he slid a little, the things inside would be stirred deeper, forcing him to lean against the blackboard and breathe.
"You want... want... to fuck..."
"Want to fuck you."
The man said with a smile.
"You said before that you and Yu Xiaoyu were written on the blackboard?"
"It's none of your business -" Huo Ranyin wanted to say it was none of your business, but he was slapped so hard that he couldn't finish his words. His mind was the same, almost completely gone.
Just like that, the other party was still unwilling to let him go, so he began to thrust slowly and shallowly, while stroking his desire.
The soft thing that had been relieved actually raised its head again under such a touch, and a little bit of shameful mucus was secreted from the top.
"Yes..." Huo Ranyin gave in, "It's a prank - I'm not enough for you - I want you to worry about other things..." "
Isn't it my fault that I didn't satisfy you?"
The man's voice was always frivolous. , action is not.
He was being pushed against something that penetrated his body, and the thrusts were getting harder and harder. Every time he moved in and out, there was a gurgling sound of water. He felt that the water in his back hole was being squeezed out, and flowed down along the base of his legs. Sliding down, it felt cold, which was in sharp contrast to the hotness of the place where it was penetrated.
His legs had no strength at all. It was as if all the bones had been removed. He could only rely on the blackboard in front and be supported by the genitals at the back. It was like a snack sandwiched between two things, being tossed around at will. .
He couldn't stand it anymore and felt that his swollen penis was about to ejaculate again. He could only plead with the person behind him:
"No, no more... You're not ready yet... Hurry, hurry up..."
"You want me to hurry up, Just do something to please me."
"Wha, what..."
"How about I fuck you and you write our names on the blackboard?"
His refusal was not even fully spoken. , the onslaught of the storm became gentle, but he was not relieved by this. The grinding desire that he could not fully taste in the frenzied collision was suddenly drawn out, and even his bone marrow was itching.
He shook his voice and gasped.
"Don't torture..."
"It's you, don't torture me." The man whispered in his ear, "Good brother, please satisfy me, okay? My brother's life depends on you. When I think of you and Yu Xiaoyu Yes, but we didn't, so we were so jealous that we went crazy..."
Huo Ran felt that he was going crazy.
Why could the person behind these words that he felt embarrassed say so smoothly and naturally?
But he was bewitched. He raised his weak hand to grab the chalk under the blackboard. His hand also became soft. After holding it several times, he picked up the chalk and wrote two names crookedly on the blackboard. .
...Huo Ranyin.
"Call me."
Violent thrusting came again, and the person behind ordered him.
"Call my name, call me brother."
Huo Ranyin was pulled into the whirlpool of desire again. In the whirlpool, his consciousness was clearly extinguished.
_ The bubble was gently popped.
Huo Ran woke up from his dream in a daze. Before he could feel ashamed of himself for having such a dream, he felt something strange in his body.
He lay on the bed, Ji Xun pressed against him from behind, his waist and abdomen were dragged up, and his back - the back hole - was stuffed with something and was being lightly rubbed.
Ji Xun's kiss fell on his back, and he explained to him thoughtfully:
"I didn't move too much because I was afraid of waking you up. I wanted you to sleep a little longer, but I still woke you up? You didn't sleep very well just now. "What are you dreaming about?"
Huo Ranyin cursed vaguely.
He finally understood why he had this ridiculous dream, because someone was doing even more ridiculous things to him in reality.
"Are you angry?" Ji Xun asked with a smile.
"...Anyone who wakes up will be angry..."
Huo Ranyin woke up, but he was still confused, half in reality and half in his dream.
But his desire did not stay in the dream, but fully awakened, and now it was directly pressed against the sheets. Ji Xun's hand came from behind, touched his desire, and commented:
"You look very energetic."
It felt like he had to wash the sheets again. In a daze, this thought flashed through Huo Ranyin's mind. Then I realized that I was really married, and I was thinking about this trivial daily life even in bed.
"...If you want to do it, do it quickly and take your time. You are more energetic than me." Huo Ran's voice was a little sleepy and vague because he was a little unwilling to admit defeat.
"I really want to do it." Ji Xun rubbed against Huo Ranyin, making the other person's back tense up. "But I want to know more about what you dreamed about just now..." "Why don't you tell me what my dream is for?
" You..." Huo Ranyin's voice tightened and his back became tense.
But the strange thing is that his mind has not yet fully awakened, and he is still lying there lazily, enjoying this together with a half-dream and half-awake feeling, enjoying Ji Xun's thrusting, and also enjoying... the hesitation and hooking of his own body. entangled.
"I want to know if you are having an erotic dream."
"Everything happens in reality. What are you dreaming about..." Huo Ran didn't like rear-end penetration, and he retained this dislike when he was half awake, but at this time he spoke frankly. He was very glad that his face could be buried in the pillow, "Okay, hurry up..."
He bit his lip, trying to calm down, but his voice was soaked in water, surprisingly soft, as if he was coquettishly saying:
"Hurry up, fuck it. I, can't you..."
He was pushed hard.
Ji Xun's way of retaliating against him for saying no is to prove that he is good.
He felt that his waist was sunken and his buttocks were lifted high, completely exposed, and his whole body was bent into a position that was convenient for penetration...only for penetration.
His mind was folded and shaken just like his body.
Every time there is a relief of being thrown high and caught again.
He heard Ji Xun gasp.
Ji Xun's hand holding his waist moved to his shoulder. As he pushed up, he pressed his shoulder and pushed him down hard, as if he was nailing him to the bed. .
"It does happen in reality, but I still...had countless erotic dreams..."
"I dreamed of doing countless shameful things to you. Do you remember what we said on the last video call? I said black Silk, you said mesh...and..." Ji Xun gasped and laughed, "And, what else? By the way, there is white silk." "
Socks of various colors are fine, if you want Put it on, from your toes to the top of your thighs. The elastic band is tied at the base of your legs. Other than that, you are wearing nothing else..." "Then
you spread your legs and I take them off little by little..."
"Don't say anything . "It's..." Huo Ran felt the heat sweep up from his back to his brain. He was not clear-headed enough to begin with, and now he was as dizzy as if he was drunk, "You... tell me... there is no white silk at home." ..."
"When will there be white silk at home?"
"Shall we buy a pair online?" Ji Xun said, "One pair may not be enough, I may need a few more pairs."
"You were dreaming just now What's your name?" Ji Xun said slowly, clearly making love, but not in a hurry from beginning to end, "Are you calling me? In my spring dream, all the images I thought of were only you. What about you, your dream? Is there me in there?"
After going round and round, the topic came back here.
Huo Ran couldn't help but pant. His body was completely out of control and had been completely handed over to the intruder. As for his reason, half of it was in the present and half of it was in the picture described by the other party.
I bought a grid at home...
Do I want to buy more...
He can no longer distinguish his thoughts. The desire that is about to reach the critical point is controlled by the other person's fingertips. Every time he wants to ejaculate, the other person always She pinched him with bad intentions, even the last little bit...
It was obvious that he couldn't stand it anymore, and his heart was filled with the urge to escape, but his body was contrary to his reason, and he still unconsciously moved toward him. He rubbed back and forth, letting the other party invade his body completely, completely, and deeply.
"Yes... I want to... miss you... yes... call you."
Desire has conquered reason, and the gap that is usually tightly closed has opened a crack.
"What did you call me?"
"Call you..." Huo Ranyin was confused, "Brother..."
When the sound of this word that he would never say out loud leaked from the tip of his tongue, the slowness of the person behind him disappeared, just like the other person's mind. It is also melted in this syllable.
Ji Xun pressed Huo Ranyin firmly on the bed. He thrust hard. After just a few strokes, Huo Ranyin's body was already tense, but he held Huo Ranyin's hand.
"Wait for me..."
He gasped, withdrew, turned Huo Ranyin over with his back to him, then spread his legs and rushed in directly.
"I know you don't like being behind the scenes, so I want to be with you this time..."
A sob that was almost crying escaped from Huo Ranyin's mouth. He wrapped himself around Ji Xun like a vine, hugging Ji Xun tightly, His nails dug into the opponent's shoulders and back, leaving several marks. At this moment, when Ji Xun shot all the things into Huo Ranyin's body, his desire, which was stretched to the extreme, was like a flood, and it completely rushed out of the column. body, splashing on him and Ji Xun.

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