Byakuya x (his child)

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Name: Yumé
Age: 6y/o
Eye color: blue
Hair color: midnight blue
Hairstyle: shoulder length


Yumé is rarely rude, always nice and respects everyone. She is very shy and loves to be with her dad when ever possible.She never lies and is almost always happy. Bringing a smile up on everyone's faces .

: Byakuya shows his soft side when he's around her
Now let's go:

No one's POV

It was a nice sunny morning in the soul society. Byakuya was up bright and early watching the landscape outside of his window. Sighing,he got up and moved to his daughter's room,it was time for school.

Opening the door he smiled at his daughter,fast asleep, cuddling her stuffed bunny. He approached her quietly and sat on the bed next to her. "Yumé,wake up my little sakura petal. It's time for school." Tiny blue eyes open and stare at him. "Good morning my baby. Did you sleep well?" "No daddy. I had a nightmare." Yumé's eyes started watering and big tears ran down her cheeks. Byakuya pulled his daughter into his arms holding her to his chest. "That's strange,you don't normally get nightmares. Are you feeling alright?" She shook her head 'no' before snuggling into her dad's chest. "I feel icky." She felt a cold hand on her forehead as her dad felt for a fever. "You're a bit warm. Maybe it would be best for you to stay home today sweetie. I'll tell your teacher you're unwell. Try to sleep a bit more,okay?" With that Byakuya placed a small kiss on his daughter's forehead and tucked her in. "Call for daddy if you start to feel worse okay? Daddy will be in the other room."

(The kitchen)

Rukia: "Seriously brother?! She throws a few tears and you let her stay home!"

Byakuya: "Rukia,she is sick,I'm not letting her stay at home for pleasure she is staying so she can get rest."

Rukia: "Brother how do you know she's not lying? You know she has a test today. She could be lying to get out of it she's a kid they like doing such things! Just listen to me! Yumé isn't the perfect little girl you think! She-"

Byakuya: "RUKIA ENOUGH! Stop this now! I never said she was perfect. I simply KNOW she's sick because I KNOW when she lies. And to support my statement,she has a fever. Yumé likes school and wouldn't just stay out of it for no reason! She's not like you!"

Before another word could be spoken,one of the maids came in. "I'm terribly sorry for interrupting Captain and Lieutenant Kuchiki,but sir, Yumé is crying in her room,she won't calm down." Byakuya's eyes widen and he rushed to Yumé's room, spotting a small six year old hugging herself, barely taking breaths between her sobs. He slowly moved closer to her as to not startle her. "Yumé? Sweetheart,can daddy hug you?" A small nod was all he needed to pull his daughter into his arms. "Honey,I need you to breathe for daddy,okay? In...and...out. Good again." Slowly but surely Yumé's breathing got back in check. "I'm s-sorry daddy." Byakuya gave his child a questioning look. "Why are you sorry? You did nothing wrong." Fresh tears started seeping through her eyes. "I-it made aunty mad. A-and she yelled a-at daddy. I-its my fault,I-im sorry." Byakuya sighed caressing her back."Hunny,you have nothing to apologize for. Rukia is just in a bad mood,but that doesn't give her the right to act how she did. I'm sorry you had to hear that my love. I'm not upset with you,it's not your fault that you are sick. Noble or not ,you are still a soul,we get sick,it's how life works." Yumé held her dad tightly,just laying on his chest.

"Try to get more rest my little sakura petal." Before Byakuya could leave he felt small hands pulling him back. "Daddy?" "Yes sweetie?" "Can you stay?" Byakuya smiled and laid next to her, pulling her close.

"Sure,love. Just gets some rest,feel better soon."

(Want a part two???)

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