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I snook up behind her while she was bragging into the camera, i mean you would too, she sassed me, I was not about to let her win. No way Jose. I picked her up and and threw her over my shoulder running to the backyard, immediately earning a reaction from Saige and Zayn who got up and followed, all the boys came too. I was causing a scene one of my many talents!


"Mate you better put her down she "full named" you!"

Niall warned sarcastically laughing and eating crisps, earning him laughs from all the boys and me

"In your dreams babe." I whispered in her ear.

"Really, you sure love?"

She questioned

I decided to put her down not because I was scared, but to annoy her more, as she walked away I grabbed her bum. She screamed


she turned back around lightly punched me in the arm, enough to hurt but not that bad at all.

"Hands to yourself. Got it?"

She questioned with a hint of fear in her eyes

"Nope!" I said popping the "p"

She didn't answer just ran over to Zayn and hide in his in his arms, I saw true fear in her eyes.

"Why?" I asked myself

There were obvious tears welling in her eyes.

"Did I hurt her?"

"Did I go to far?" I questioned myself

I looked at her again and her tears had won the battle and spilled out of her eyes

I looked at Saige who had anger in her eyes. She looked at me and snarled at me

"What have you done?"

"Come on darling, come with me."

She said to Bella, a little softer

She turned from looking at Bella to looking at the lads and I and once again snarled

"Stay out here, I'm gonna talk to her, actually, Zayn come with me also."

"Ok." Zayn said in response


Why had she acted like this? I'll know soon I guess

We walked inside and Saige explained to me that she had an abusive boyfriend and every time he saw her he would grab her bum just like Louis did just then. He slapped her, and he would get drunk and hurt her, one time he broke her arm and her hand by throwing her down the stairs,and when they broke up he promised to find her and kill her for getting him in jail, soon he was placed in jail though she still didn't feel totally safe since he gets out of jail next week.

"Oh my, poor girl."

I said truly meaning it.

"Yes, she has had a rough life." Saige agreed

We directed our attention over to Bell who was sobbing in a corner truly terrified. We went over to comfort her i touched her shoulder and she swatted my hand away saying

"Please don't hurt me."

If broke my heart.

"It's ok love, it's Zayn, I would never let anyone hurt you, I promise."

I said to comfort her

She immediately turned around and jumped in my open arms and sobbed her little heart out, I brought her to the couch, where she feel asleep in my arms, I laid her down on the couch and left to go tell the others about my discovery leaving Saige to hold her hand and comfort her.

I walked back outside and told the lads about my discovery and Louis face turned bright white.

Forever Daddy's little girlWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt