Chapter I

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Loki steps out of a time door and sighs. He is not here. It is still the wrong reality or at least the wrong place. Come to think of it, this place doesn't even look like the TVA. It looks like somewhere in England, London maybe? It looks relatively normal except for a blue police box. Out of the police box step 4 people. What looks like a blonde man in his 20's, a woman with short brown hair and a woman that had long brown curly hair, both of them looking like they are in their late teens or early 20's, and a boy with a dark mop top who seemed to be in his mid teens. The boy and the short haired woman seemed to be arguing. Maybe these people could help them figure out where they were and then they could see if they could find Mobius. Loki moved closer to them.

"Tegan, it's just simple mathematics. It isn't that hard to understand. I thought humans were smarter than this!" The boy shouted.

"Well if you explained it better I would be able to understand. It isn't that simple to me, Adric. Just because you got fancy schooling doesn't make you the best here!" The short haired woman whom Loki assumed was Tegan.

"Hi, sorry to interrupt. Can you tell me where I am? And what year is it? You probably won't know what universe it is." Loki asks, breaking up the fight.

"This is London, 1982. Are you trying to get some place in time specific? If so I could help you do that. What are you traveling with? A Tardis? Vortex Manipulator? I'm the Doctor by the way. And this is Adric, Nyssa, and Tegan." The Doctor replies with a smile on their face.

"I'm Loki. And I'm not traveling with either of those things. Just this keypad."

"Here let me take a look." Loki hands the Doctor the keypad. "Of course. This is broken. That is the reason why it is not getting you to the location you want. You got to the correct universe, but not place or year. You are supposed to get to New York in 2023 from the coordinates you received. Now, I landed the Tardis so I could do some repairs and these three could have some fun. If you wanted to wait until the repairs are done, I could get you to where you need to be."

"Please. I really need to get back to Mobius."

The Doctor nods and bids his companions goodbye. Nyssa and Tegan hold hands and Adric walks behind them as the three of them head to go to a cafe. Nyssa and Adric wanted to try coffee for the first time. Loki stays by the Doctor.

"If you want, you can help me with repairs. And tell me about this Mobius of yours." The Doctor tells Loki.

The two of them head inside the Tardis. Loki would have gasped at how big it was on the inside, but they were so drained from their search for Mobius. The Doctor gets out a tool box and slides under the concule. They nod at Loki to start talking.

"Mobius, myself, and a version of me from another universe named Sylvie were trying to bring down this evil organization called the TVA. The TVA has pruned many different universes in the past. Mobius went to directly stop it from the inside with the help of another one of our friends B-15. Sylvie and I went to fight the creator of all the troble. Sylvie for some reason kissed me, gross right. Then they pushed me through a time door and I ended up in the wrong universe. Mobius and have been trying to get back to the same universe since then. Mobius found a relatary safe universe, this one, so I'm trying to get to him. I have to get to him. He's my best friend. I don't know if I could live without him." Loki tells him.

"It sounds like you love him." The Doctor replies with a smile.

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