Chapter III

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The Doctor knocks on the door of the lab, they had learned their lesson about that before, and waits for Nyssa to shout that they could come in before entering. He looks into the room and sees Nyssa standing before her experiment and Tegan just looking wistfully at her. The Doctor smiles.

"How was your date? I see that you left Adric at the cafe." The Doctor asks curiously.

"It was fantastic! Tegan pointed out so many things at the museum about Earth that I didn't know before!" Nyssa exclaims, still working on the experiment.

"I just liked spending time with Nyssa." Tegan tells them both while smiling.

The Doctor is very happy that the two of them were able to find each other. At least someone's relationship could be positive, even if them and their partners wasn't the best. But now was not the time to think about his partner, there was never a time to think about him. Not anymore...

"Doctor? Are you okay?" Tegan breaks them out of their thoughts.

"I-I. Uh, I don't know." The Doctor replies honestly.

"Tegan, take the Doctor to his room and then go get Adric. Adric can watch over the Doctor, and you and I can try to get the Tardis to where it needs to be. I'll go and wake up Loki." Nyssa states, her voice somewhat stern.

Tegan holds out her hand and the Doctor takes it graciously. She leads him though the corridors and into his very plain looking room. They sit down on their bed as the door closes and buries their face in their hands. He doesn't notice when the door opens, or when someone kneels by his feet.

"Doctor, it's just me. What do you need right now? Do you need a pressure hug? Or your weighted blanket? Or do you just want me here?" Adric asks them.

The Doctor is blown away at the fact that Adric offers to give them a pressure hug, knowing the fact that Adric really didn't like physical touch that much, and that he was sensitive to it.

"A hug, please. It doesn't have to be for long, I know you do not like hugs. But please?" The Doctor answers.

Adric wraps his arms around the Doctor and the two of them rock back and forth in the hug. Adric squeezing tight and the Doctor barely touching him.


There is a knock at their door.

"Loki? May I come in?" A feminine voice says, if they remembered right it was from Nyssa.

"Of course."

Nyssa enters the room and sees Loki laying on the bed, their head buried in the pillows. Loki slowly gets up.

"What did you need?" They ask.

"I need the location of where Mobius is. I'm going to try to get the Tardis to where it needs to go."


The hug breaks and Adric sits down on the floor.

"You still love and miss him, don't you Doctor? Even though he is a bad person, who has hurt you, myself, Nyssa, Tegan, and so many others in the past. You still miss him?" Adric asks, knowing the answer.

"I miss who he used to be before he became how he is now. I missed the way that he was when we were in school together. I wish they were good again." The Doctor cries.

"I understand Doctor. But he isn't that way anymore. You have to remember that, you can love and miss who he once was, but not like who he is now. It's okay to do that."

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