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Hello Divas!
This story will contain mentions of a panic attack/meltdown as well as blood and mention of dead bodies. If that triggers you in anyway don't read it!
Stay safe ok<3
Little: Charles Cuevas
Caregiver (soon to be!) : Whit Young
Charles was walking down the hallway. Nothing out of the ordinary, just trying his best to stay away from all of his classmates. It's not that he hates them, but their behavior can be too much for someone to handle. Unfortunately only the first floor was open at the time.

He continued his little search for a bit,until he got closer to a room with a open door. It smelt..weird? Smelt like metal in a way. But he choose to ignore it and continue walking his path to his dorm. Or so he thought he was walking that way.

Once Charles made it to the open room he turned to look inside. And the sight that he saw...broke him. He say his classmate Teruko Tawaki bleeding out on the floor. A gigantic gash was in her stomach. He couldn't look anymore. He didn't want to. But he froze in place seeing her presumably dead body. He couldn't speak..he was regressing. Right then and there he was regressing to baby space. And he couldn't stop it.

With all the strength he had left in his little body he ran. He ran to the laundry room. Instantly he collapsed on the floor and cried his poor heart out. He cried and he cried and he cried until his voice was basically gone at that point. Only thing coming out was little squeaks and whines.
The little wanted to be seen and heard but at the same time..it was embarrassing and horrible.
"Ow..I..I Sowwy.."
Was the only thing he could mutter out.
He sounded pitiful.

A few minutes pass by and Charles is still crying uncontrollably. But it's not as loud or noticeable. He's curled up against a wall holding himself,with his head buried in his knees. Trying not to look at anything...or anyone? Footsteps were approaching him. Charles froze and refused to move. Was this the person who attacked Teruko? Was he going to die? Is this it? Is-
"Charles..hey it's me Whit..it's ok..can you hear me?"

Whit Young was the person in front of Charles. Usually a person cracking jokes at every given moment sounded much more sympathetic. Charles looked up at Whit and started whining. "Blood.."
Whit nodded and opened his arms for Charles.
"You don't like blood..did it trigger you?"
Charles nodded and shakily held onto Whit sucking his thumb.
Whit noticed the behavior but didn't want to ask him about it when he was in this state. So he made the assumption he was regressed.
Whit smiled softly at the little he was holding.
"It's ok..Papa is going to make things ok..I'm here,even when you breakdown..I'll never leave you."

Drdt Agere Oneshots !! ☆Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin