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Rhea stands outside of Carmen's dressing room and balls her fists. She storms down the hall and into the viewing room, finding Damian alone with Dom. Just as he turns she shoves him as hard as she can, sending him stumbling backwards into the refreshment table. Drinks get knocked over and food falls to the floor as he tries to steady himself.

"What the fuck?" He asks.

"You need to learn to mind your fucking business!" Rhea shouts.

Damian stands straight and glares at her. Dom tries to stand between them but Damian moves him out of the way.

"This isn't the time OR the place Rhea." He says.

"You had no right Priest! No right to say a fucking word!" Rhea keeps shouting.

"Yeah? And when were you gonna tell her, Rhea? Or did you think you were just going to get away with playing them both?" He shouts back.

Rhea swings at him but he dodges it.

"You have no idea what you're talking about!" She screams.

"Enlighten me then! Go ahead!" Damian shouts, throwing his arms out to the side.

Someone walks over and stands between them, putting a hand on either of their chests. Damian looks at him and his face softens out of pity. It's Buddy. He must have come to surprise Rhea. He does that at supershows sometimes.

"You two need to calm down. Like yesterday. The fuck is going on?" He asks.

Rhea is still glaring at Damian, wanting to take another swing so bad.

"Wanna tell him or should I do the honors again?" Damian asks Rhea.

She growls and lunges for him but Buddy quickly wraps an arm around her waist and holds her back.

"She cheated on you." Damian says, looking at Buddy again.

Dom gasps softly and looks at Rhea. She balls her fists, her face is red and angry, and she's staring murder at Damian. Buddy sighs but his grip doesn't loosen around her waist.

"D...walk away." He says calmly.

A look of confusion crosses Damian's face. Rhea's eyes haven't left his as she continues to struggle against Buddy.

"I caught her man. With my own eyes." He says.

Buddy just blinks and points towards the door. Damian frowns.

"Fine. If you wanna be that stupid that's on you. I'm not getting involved." He says and storms out.

"About fucking time!" Rhea shouts after him.

Buddy turns her to face him.

"You go out in a few minutes. Take Dom and go cool off." He says.

Rhea sighs and nods at Dom, signaling for him to go with her and he does. Buddy walks out in the direction Damian went and finds him outside pacing. When the door shuts Damian looks up and Buddy leans against the wall.

"I don't get it man. Rhea cheated on you and you're acting like I'm in the wrong here." Damian says.

"Look. This whole situation between me, Rhea and Carmen? I need you to just leave it alone." Buddy replies.

Damian is taken aback and tilts his head. Did he tell him it was Carmen?

"I didn't tell you who she cheated with." Damian says.

Buddy nods a little and says, "our situation is...let's just say I know more than you think."

A minute of Damian staring blankly at Buddy passes by before realization sets in. His eyes widen and his mouth opens.

"I'll see you at the house party Triple H is throwing tonight." Buddy turns and goes back inside leaving Damian alone to process everything.

He thinks about everything that has gone down. The flirting, the smiles, everything he subtly noticed but didn't think about until he caught them in bed.

Then he thinks about Buddy's subtle hint and his mind goes to every bad thing he said about Rhea to Carmen that night. The pain he's been seeing on Rhea's face since. It all makes sense.

Damian sighs and makes his way back inside, heading to the viewing room to watch Rhea's match. She's going extra hard at Raquel tonight. Some of her attacks seem extra brutal and more real. Like she's trying to blow off steam.

Carmen walks by the viewing room, holding the now almost melted bag of ice on her side and makes her way to the medical team. She sits on the bench as one lifts her shirt to check on her. He tsks at the sight of a large bruise that has already begun to form and does some pressure tests.

"Does it hurt to breathe?" He asks.

"No it's really just sore to the touch now."

"Good. I don't think anything's broken. Just bruised. Ice it every few hours and you'll be fine." He says as he puts her shirt down.

"So I'm cleared to fight?" Carmen asks.

"Clear as water." He smiles.

Carmen thanks him and stands from the bench before leaving the venue. It's early but she wants to go to the hotel and shower before the party. In all honesty she doesn't want to attend said party, but how can she not show up when it's being hosted by Triple H?

She figures she'll make an appearance, have a drink, stay for an hour or two then sneak off and catch her own flight to the next city. The last thing Carmen wants is to be stuck on a plane again sitting next to Rhea for eight hours.

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