Chapter 1

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CAPSLOCK: important information




Warspite, the leader of the Royal Navy forces, looked up to see unknown planes fly overhead

Looking around, she sees all the other kansen and mass-produced ships standing around, seemingly too shocked to react.

"What are you doing!? FIRE!" She shouted and opened fire herself.

On the other side from the lead ship, a kansen looked very similar to Bismarck herself, and a man came out of it.

The kansen moved over water like everyone else, but the man, clearly not a kansen, marched on the water, like it was a normal floor.

The kansen moved over water like everyone else, but the man, clearly not a kansen, marched on the water, like it was a normal floor

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(I know it's Bismarck 2)

"Hallo, ich bin das Bismarck-Klasse Raketen-Schlachtschiff Bismarck. (Hello, I'm the Bismarck class missile-battleship Bismarck.)" The kansen stated.
"Dönitz, oberster Admiral der Kriegsmarine.(Dönitz, Supreme Admiral of the Kriegsmarine.)" The man introduced himself.

[Sir, enemy fleet retreaing what are your orders] came from the Yorktown.

[Bomb them again] was the answer.

Yorktown seemed to think for a moment before she answered. However, Enterprise's voice could be heard. I was brimming with anticipation.

[Yes, sir, executing orders immediately!]

(I forgot my sisters upgrades had the side effect of making her sadistic towards the enemy.) She thought. However, she couldn't deny that she also felt a bit of that sadistic joy. Apparently, this was a side effect that all of them had.

Enterprise was, however, by far the worst l, she broke the Formidable of their world so much that she obeyed every single one of Enterprise's commands without question.

(What did she do to her?) She asked herself. She didn't want to know, so she went back to work.

"Das Gleiche gilt für dich, bombardiere sie noch einmal. (Same for you, bomb them again.)" Dönitz said to missile Bismarck.

"Wäre das nicht ein Verstoß gegen die Genfer Konvention? (Wouldn't that be against the Geneva convention?)" She asked.

"Wann hat es uns das letzte Mal interessiert? Außerdem ist es die Genfer Checkliste. (When was the last time we cared about it?  Also, it's the Geneva Checklist.)" He answered.

Without another word,  Bismarck unleashed her missiles on the last retreating ships, taking them out without anyone left to report it.

She would never admit it, but she had grown quite fond of doing things like that since her upgrade, and apparently, she wasn't the only one.

(Author's note: this buildt in sadism us going to be very important later)

End of chapter 1

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