Chapter 66

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Third Person POV

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Third Person POV

Dan was over his brother's body no emotion on his face. No remorse for pulling the trigger that ended his sibling's life. Nothing. Just cold.

The hurried steps of a scared teen came closer, echoing through the empty halls. Dan's trance was snapped as he heard the sound and time was running out.

As Andrew turned the corner he froze. Seeing two lifeless bodies on the ground. His mind tried to register one but he couldn't quite make out the other from where he was standing. He slowly took two steps closer only for his heart to halt. Keith.

But before he could run to check on the man. Everything went dark.


Monitors beeping through the hospital room as Andrew lay unconscious in the bed. As nurses went in and out as they checked everything. Days had come and gone yet the boy remained in the same condition.

Friends visited every day along with Coach Whitey but the consistent ones were Mouth, Haley, Nathan, and Peyton. Now the two who stayed long hours just speaking to him or sitting in silence were Rachel and Brooke.

To say it was awkward for the two when they showed up at the same time would be an understatement. Both girls cared deeply for the boy who remained in a little coma, and their differences were set aside just to be with Andrew. 

As for David, work was his scapegoat. He didn't leave but the man did throw himself into meetings and paperwork. Yet that didn't mean he wasn't trying to see when his son's status would soon change... if it would. For that reason, David would get into heated disputes with doctors which would have his wife, Leah, apologize to them soon after.

Flowers decorated the plain hospital room along with balloons and 'get better' cards that people from the small town sent the young man and close ones.

Yet, that didn't stop a void feeling rushing to those who entered. It was a pained sight for anyone to walk in and see an unresponsive Andrew. Everything just felt cold and dark.

"David." A voice called making David turn his head from his seat. Until his eyes fell on Dan who stood at the doorway of the room. This resulted in David standing up from his chair to walk up to Dan who was taking a glance at the boy in the bed.

"Dan, you didn't have to come. You already have a lot going on with Keith-"

"No, no I had to see how you were holding up and," Sparing a look Andrew then back at his high school friend. "Your boy." He finished making the other man sigh. "How is he doing?"

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