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Himeko beckons you over to her. "Good luck out there, report anything you see odd to me, okay?" She fixes your collar, patting your shoulders before letting out a sigh. "I know it's not your first mission Y/N, but I'm still worried. Are you sure you want to do this alone?"

I nodded, smiling at her with confidence. "Don't worry about me, I'll be back in a flash after I seal the stellaron. Besides, if anything happens, I'll just text you and Welt." I said as I adjusted my sheath.

"Remember to take off if you see anyone weird. Since you're going alone, we can't assure your safety and we definitely can't tell whether or not someone is good." Welt warned you, crossing his arms as he looked at you with slight concern.

He looked over to Himeko to which she returned a knowing look, they whispered to each other. Both of them turned to face you just before you got off dismissing their conversation as unimportant to you.

"One more thing, Y/N." Himeko called out to you. You stop and turn around to listen. "Just to remind you. If you encounter any of the Stellaron Hunters, don't even think about fighting them." She continued with a stern look on her face, it seemed like she was ordering you instead of reminding you.

I let out a long sigh, giving them the 'I know' face. "I understand. No need to tell me twice, Himeko." I got off the train right as they bid me bye, waving back to them.

"What good are wings
without the courage to fly?"
- Atticus

It feels like hours have passed despite being minutes of wandering. I asked around some survivors of the planet if they had any idea where the stellaron is, to my surprise, none of them gave me a certain answer. Following my instinct wherever I go, finally I deducted the stellaron's location, only to witness someone beating it to me first.

"That can't be a normal civilian." I whispered to myself. Dashing over to the cliff as lightly as possible to not attract the attention of that person, her feminine appearance becoming clearer the closer I get. My eyes widen, her appearance matching the exact IPC wanted poster of Kafka. "A Stellaron Hunter? Actually, what did I expect? Of course at least one would appear."

She looked up at me, her magenta coloured eyes boring into mine as she smirked. Before I knew it, strings appeared from her fingers tied around my waist and began dragging me down. I quickly unsheathe my sword, cutting off the strings and planting it on the side of the cliff as I made my way down slowly.

"It's not nice to spy on someone you know?" She said with a laugh, her smile never fading. "Y/N, you must know my name by now, after all I trust you're not oblivious to the existence of the Stellaron Hunters yes?" Kafka walked towards you with her hands behind her back, keeping eye contact.

"And how do you know mine? What have you done to this planet?" I stepped back, my gaze on her never softening even once while I analyzed her body language and words. Keeping my sword in front of me before her. She gently pushed my sword away, walking closer to me.

"I believe that isn't important." Her smile slowly turned into a grin. The way she looked at you, talked and acted towards you sent butterflies to your stomach. Something told you to run, but there you were just standing, unable to lift your feet off the ground. She caressed your jawline, whispering into your ear "Listen to me, Y/N" as she looked into your eyes from the side.

"Elio has foreseen your destiny," You felt your muscles relax upon hearing her words, your heartbeat slowed as though she was singing you a lullaby. "you are destined to live up to your full potential, to find the truth you are seeking for." You raise a brow after she finishes. Kafka pauses for a brief moment, moving in front of you and leaning forward, your lips almost touching. "Such will only happen if you follow Elio's script, Y/N. What will it be?"

"I..." My hands trembled, the relaxation gone as I snapped out of the ¿trance? "If you're.. implying that I have to join the Stellaron Hunters, then I might need some.. time." I sheathe my sword, looking down as I contemplate on her words. What could they possibly want from me? What am I in for? My thoughts raced, the realization on how less the power and influence I have in this situation hitting me like a damn truck.

"Take as much time as you need, I'll be messaging you briefly after you get back." She smiled. "You might want to check your phone." In a blink of an eye, Kafka disappeared as if she was never there and so did the stellaron.

"The best way to keep a prisoner from escaping is to make sure he never knows he is in prison."
- Fyoder Dostoevsky

"You encountered Kafka?! Why didn't you answer any of our messages?" Himeko puts the cup of coffee down on your desk, bending from behind the chair you were on.

"I was going to, I just thought it'd be better to get back so I won't waste time." I looked down, fidgeting with my fingers and avoiding eye contact. "I'm sorry if I worried you both." My mind still focused on contemplating the thought of joining the Stellaron Hunters.

"Did she hurt you? What happened down there?" She patted my arms and waist to check if there were any wounds, letting out a relieved sigh when there were none. "You look awfully deep in thought. Is there something troubling you?"

My heart beats slightly faster as does my breathing. "Well, I would appreciate it if you left this for me to figure out. As of now, I'm not in my right mind."
I stood up from the chair to get my phone from across the bed, looking at it with butterflies in my stomach.

"I understand, I'll take my leave then. Just- tell me if I can help with anything, okay? I hate hearing this tone of voice from you." Himeko left with a defeated sigh, frowning when she exited your room.

I didn't answer her nor look at her defeated face. All I continued to do was stare at my phone, stare at the message that Kafka sent. As though I was in a trance.

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