that one lunch break

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Kagiura sat near the staircase, kneeling against the window with an empty onigiri wrapper on his left side and an empty water bottle. 

He was seconds away from falling to a deep sleep, as he let out a small yawn he suddenly saw Hirano heading towards the stairs, Kagiura's eyes instantly glowed up as soon as he was Hirano's mesmerizing blonde hair as he walked by. He suddenly felt like he full of energy when he saw him look up towards him with a small grin on his face.

"Hirano-san!" Kagiura yelled out while happily waving his hand in the air.

"Hello, Kagi-kun" Hirano said while he kneeled down to sit beside Kagiura.

Hirano slowly drifted his face toward Kagiura's and stared into his eyes for a quick second. He then analyzed his face with a concerned expression while remaining in the same position as Kagiura also stared back at Hirano, starting to get slightly nervous. 

"Uhm.. Hirano-san.. why are you staring at me." Kagiura said with a shaky voice while he slowly started to turn red.

'He's.. so close.' He thought while trying to remain calm.

Hirano slightly squinted his eyes then widened them. He then backed away from Kagiura a little to return to his original position. "You look a little nervous what's wrong?" He said as he pointed towards Kagiura with a light-hearted expression.

"You were literally looking directly towards my face, of course I'd look a bit nervous!" He said unamused. 

Hirano let out a small giggle. "Pft, sorry about that! I meant before I took a close look."

Kagiura made a small pouting face looking towards the ground. "Well.. I do have a small test today which I am kind of worried about, nothing much though~"

Hirano gently patted Kagiura's head, while showing him a reassuring smile. "Well, I helped you a bit last night and you even studied a little extra yourself, I'm sure you'll do great." He said as he slowly took his hand off.

Lately, Kagiura had been studying noticeably harder, and of course Hirano noticed his late nights studying for tests, even the less important ones. Therefore it's been obvious that Hirano wanted to reward Kagiura for his efforts just a little more, he wanted to make sure that he wasn't overworking himself too much and is getting enough sleep every night.

Kagiura eyes slightly widened and then his face softened slightly as he started to blush slightly from Hirano patting him on the head. He looked towards him with a small smile of relief.

"Thank you Hirano-san.. I do feel a little better now with you by my side." He giggled out.

"Haha.. well I am always by your side, so you shouldn't have anything to worry about."

Kagiura takes a glance at Hirano's face, watching his eyes wander to the people walking across the hallways, he was quickly mesmerized by his sparkling blue eyes, they were just so.. pretty to him.

He slowly moved his head towards Hirano's, but before he was able to move further he realized he was getting a bit too close, therefore he slowly drifted his head towards Hirano's shoulders and gently rested on his left shoulder.

Hirano slowly turned his head towards Kagiura's, with a slightly confused expression. 

"I-It's okay.. if I do this.. right?" Kagiura stuttered. 

"Yeah, it's fine." Hirano responded, slightly surprised.

At this time it was only the beginning of lunch, both Hirano and Kagiura spent their time together while sitting beside the school stairs, having friendly conversations with each other, smiling and giggling.  

Time flew by within an instant, talking with each other made time go by so quickly that there was only 5 minutes left of lunch, and for the whole time Kagiura laid down comfortably on Hirano's shoulder.


"-Oh! And also.. I have a game next week. I'd love it if you could be there, Hirano-san!"

Kagiura carried on rambling about various things, what happened during his classes, a few things about Niibashi, and basketball.

All while Hirano was staring off into space, listening to Kagiura's every word and responding happily, hoping time wouldn't go so fast.

"-Have I mentioned? There's this guy on my team.. I think his name is _____"

Hirano started to feel his face getting slightly warmer, just realizing now the type of position he is in beside Kagiura, he could feel his soft brunette hair carefully touching the side his neck and Kagiura's shoulder softly leaning against his, he also could even smell the light and gentle scent of him while he was sitting leaning too, there were millions of times they sat this close to each other, but today.. Hirano just reacted a bit more than usual.

"Uwah~ The coach has been so rough with my team lately.. we barely catch breaks anymore, haha!"

He took a small look at Kagiura's bubbly expressions once again while he kept blabbering about basketball, first he took a glance at his glowing eyes filled with excitement just by being near to him, his rosy pink cheeks, slightly blushing, then down towards his smooth, alluring lips.

He focused curiously at them with the small thought in the back of his head, 'I wonder what it would like.. if one day our lips just randomly touch-' Hirano jolted exactly when he realized what he was thinking.

Hirano felt his heart skip a beat just before he thought..

'W-WAS I JUST THINKING OF KISSING KAGI-' Until he got distracted by Kagiura's worried expression.

"E-eh? Are you okay Hirano-san?" Kagiura asked as his eyes widened, with a slightly stunned expression on his face after feeling Hirano suddenly move away from him.

Hirano stood up quickly, while his face started to blush into the brightest shade of red while he turned away from Kagiura trying to hide his 'embarrassing' expression.

"Y-yeah! I just thought I should get to class by now so.. cya!"

Hirano ran off as Kagiura just stared into the hallway Hirano rushed off to, with a confused look in his face. He looked around, and thought back to his words and actions to see if he did anything to make him uncomfortable by any chance, but there was nothing he could think of.

'That's weird.. there's still a few minutes left of lunch-break though.. did I say something odd?' Kagiura thought.


It was rare to see Hirano running through hallways, considering he's a disciplinary committee member. He rushed to the nearest empty restroom he could find then instantly took a look at his face in the mirror.

Hirano saw how flustered he looked, his eyes widened as he saw how 'hopeless' and 'embarrassed' he was, did he always react like this whenever he was in close contact with Kagiura?

He slowly placed his hand against his face, feelings the warmness of his cheek while thinking, 'Ugh.. what the fuck. I never thought of Kagi-kun THAT way before.. why am I just thinking about this now.'

He kneeled down slightly and covered his face with both of his hands, trying to keep his cool. But either way, he was still very flustered, it was fairly obvious.

'All of these thoughts I'm having recently, when Kagi-kun randomly pinned me down, when I used the 10 seconds thing for myself.. honestly, what am I thinking?'

He took a deep breathe then stood up again, about to exit the restroom.

Hirano finally thought to himself.

'Well..  with all the stuff we're trying out to see if I could see him as a romantic interest recently.. I guess we are obviously going to get to that point someday..."

'-and, I guess I wouldn't mind that so much.'

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