First day of school

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I wake up in at 5 in the morning and get changed into

I wake up in at 5 in the morning and get changed into

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And then I do my hair

I go downstairs and get a bowl of cereal by the time I'm done eating breakfast bella is ready to go when we get to the school everyone was staring at us it made me have a small anxiety wave we go get our schedules and head to our first period mine...

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I go downstairs and get a bowl of cereal by the time I'm done eating breakfast bella is ready to go when we get to the school everyone was staring at us it made me have a small anxiety wave we go get our schedules and head to our first period mine is history and Bella's is pe
Iris:uh hi I'm the new student
Teacher: hi you can go sit by Jasper hale. Jasper raise your hand please
Iris: thank you
I sit down by Jasper and instantly start taking notes
Jas: hi I'm Jasper would you like to borrow my notes so you can catch up
Iris: sure thank you Jasper I'm Iris swan
Jas: it's nice to meet you
Iris: you as well Jasper
Well that was nice of him after history I had biology I am sitting next to a cute little pixie like girl named Alice Cullen I like her fashion just like with Jasper we clicked instantly after biology I had art with Edward Alice's brother it was a really good class but I don't think Edward likes me much after art was lunch I immediately found bella and gave her a hug because Edward made me feel slightly bad about my self he kept holding his nose like I was smelly she hugged me back knowing I was having an anxiety attack she has her friend mike grab my tray and take it to the table once we sit down that's when the cullens/hales walk in Jessica was just gossiping about them after lunch was free period so I go to the library and read to try and calm down when Alice and most of her siblings except for Edward come in they all sit with me that's when I met Emmet and Rosalie I blushed when they both made eye contact they were both nice and very cute but they would never go for me after free period I go to the office and turn in my slip then go wait by Bella's truck she didn't look happy when we got in the car and she said that Edward was rude and held his nose like she was smelly I told her he did the same thing in art with me we went home to do homework for an hour before we had to go to the diner for dinner with dad

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