time moves slow.

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tears actually start running down my face i can't contain them any longer. i throw a match in every room as i walk past it. the smoke gets too much and i walk out the house tears running down my face uncontrollably, but i make no noise they were emotionless tears.

my neighbor comes out her house

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my neighbor comes out her house

lanna: i'm fine.
*i get in my car and she runs over towards it*
neighbor: what happened??? are you hurt??? the ambulance is on the way!
*i back out*
neighbor: WHERE ARE YOU GOING????? WAIT?!? LANNA????

I say nothing and drive off. i show up on lucas' door step......nervous to knock or go inside....i sit on his steps pondering what to say, my head in my knees.

The door opens and i turn to see lucas running out he almost trips over me.

lucas: LANNNA????? OH MY GOD......OH MY GOD!!!!!
*he picks me up hugging me tightly shaking me...squeezing me.*
lucas: me and my mom were watching the news live they were putting your house out of fire.....i was so scared i thought something happened to you!
lanna: it did.....only mentally...emotionally.... i'm not in pain though...
lucas: I WANNA HIT YOU. OH MY GOD...you scared me! WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN???
lanna: ....i went to cali to be with my mom... and.....
*i burst into tears like a baby, he comforts me hugging me tightly in his arms, ive never felt so safe and he smelled so good*
lucas: WOAH? what happened?
*i can't even catch my breath, sobbing uncontrollably not wanting to look at him, he takes my hand guiding me inside. we sit on the couch and i try to catch my breath. his mom is in the living room*
LM: lanna???? what's going on??? is she okay? we just saw your house on the news!!! we were so worried about you!!!
lucas: she's gonna be okay
LM: want some hot chocolate? i'm gonna makes us all some hot chocolate

i finally catch my breath as his mom brings us hot chocolate and we all sip. we sit in silence until i speak.

lanna:.........my mom is a deceitful liar....and she's really good at it....she hid a whole family from me my entire life....
lucas: WOAH??? WHAT? what do you mean?
lanna: i have siblings, a grandma....probably even cousins....that live in cali that she never introduced me to, she kept me a secret!
*i fight tears as i say it, but i contain*
lucas: why?
lanna: i still don't even know the reason she's just pathological....she's a fucking psycho! .....i'm sorry....excuse my language....
LM: its okay. i understand your frustration.... that's gotta be hard....im so sorry to hear that....your more than welcome to stay here until you get everything figured out
lanna: thank you.....i'm sorry to be here in this situation i'll pay you whatever you need. here have her credit card for all i care
*i reach in my purse*
LM: NONSENSE. YOU ARE FAMILY LANNA. i don't care how many times you and lucas fight make up fight makeup you are always welcome in my home!
*i hug her, i felt that in my soul...when she said that*
lanna: sleepover....haha
LM: i'm gonna go set up the guest bedroom for you now.

My bestfriend (Lucas Coly Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now