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Des pov
lucas: believe me lanna doesn't care
des: yes shes going to.
lucas: so what you gonna stop fucking with me?
des: ....i didnt say that
lucas: you want to be secret
des: i didn't say that either
lucas: so what are you saying?
des: im saying lets tell her. together.
lucas: she doesn't fuck with me, apparently
lucas: so she ain't care bout me then she don't care now.
des: ...she did care then
lucas: she too fucking high to now.
des: look, i don't wanna fuck up the friendship & blind side her. she got me for real & i know that.
lucas:😂😂😂😂😂😂. WHAT

she looked clueless

des: what?
lucas: PLEASE, lanna will throw you under the bus in SECONDS😂😂😂😂
des: what you say that?
lucas: she's been telling everyone you have clamydia!
des: .....are you serious?
lucas: yes!! she's been telling everyone you didn't know?
des: no......that bitch.

she clenched her fist madly & slammed her locker & headed towards lanna. she slapped her.

lanna: what the fuck destiny! what's your fucking problem?

she pushed her back weakly, lanna looked dead. & very tired.

lanna: so you've been telling people i have clamydia?

she started to laugh

lanna: oh shit. or was it herpes?

i made a mad face😡

lanna: it was a joke! should laugh. cus the punch line is you didn't get it from being paid, you got it for free.

i pushed her against lockers and she still laughed.

lanna: oh so you wanna fight
Des: fuck you! your suppose to be my friend!

lanna put her purse down, then moves her hair out her face & looks at me. so i punched her. she grabbed my hair hard & i swung her on the ground. boy lanna did not know what hit her today. i promise you that. i was in black out mode. i started to punch her repeatedly and she was yanking my hair to the side hard & kicked one of my legs hard so i lost my balance till i felt hands grabbing me up & i was struggling with my feet in the air. she still had a firm grip on my hair pulling me until i kicked her in the face & she let go. more administration & security fought through the crowd helping her & taking me away.

lanna: you stretched my givenchy you bitch! your just mad cus you can't afford it! i was attacked by this fucking animal!
lucas: just shut the fuck up lanna!
lanna: fuck you lucas! i thought you were suppose to be here for me. but your here for some slut with 10 dollar platforms on.

Lanna pov
lucas looks at me madly. des fucks up everything! she would fight me while i'm practically a walking zombie!!!!! i can't fight while i'm rolling off xans & oxys. if i had one thing was respect from these dusty ass females. everyone knew not to fuck with Lanna Torres cus i will fuck you up. & now i have a huge target on my back. bitches are gonna fight me just because im fucking rude & now it seems like they actually have a chance in a fight with me. i use to be strong as fuck, i still am....kinda i guess. i haven't been to the gym in weeks.

Lucas pov
Des got suspended & ofc Lanna got off with her good girl act and almost clean record. atleast i think. idk. she was probably slurring her words, but the black eye, busted lip & bruises was a reminder of how she had been the "victim." We dip school & go to my crib.

Lucas: so done with that......fucking bitch.
Des: got the video?
Lucas: yea, why?

She took my phone & got on instagram. she captioned "guess Lannas not so untouchable anymore🤔 @stardes beat tf outta her and i'm pretty sure anyone can now. probably won't be able to see tomorrow. black and blue is all she gon be seeing😂 . #like #comment #viral."  She posted it on my instagram & i have 855k. she really is bouta go viral.

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