Open Your Eyes

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"Sir. We've caught an local of some importance," One of my men says as he and another drag a bright haired man in front of me. Dark fabric hung around me as I sat in my chair. The colorful fool was shaking as he looked up at me, with terror in his orange eyes. Glaring him once over to note the chain around his neck, I nod and smirk.

"Good. Now, you will tell me where Sabre Favre is. That, or I'll kill your precious husband here." I emphasize my point, by abruptly  jabbing my curved dagger towards the bound Yellow Steve beside me.  His panicked breathing was evident and I see the Orange fool pale. "L-Look! You've done enough by hurting my son! Don't bring Kitrino into this! I'll do what you want!" I glare at him and his yellow haired husband speaks up.

"Oren, no! Don't do as he dem-" His words are cut off as I remind him of the dagger I still had at his throat. A stiffled whimper escaped him and his lover's eyes dart quickly from him back to me. "Don't! I already told you I'd do as you asked! Please, don't harm him!" A desperate plea set in his eyes as I simply smirked.

I had him right where I wanted him.

"Then do what I asked. Tell me..." A pause fills the air before I cut it with my voice.

"Where is Sabre Favre."



Surprisingly, Tewtiy just ended up asking Light about his men and his entire guard system. I don't know what I expected him to ask, but it definitely made my heart drop. The two conversed for a bit before I decided to head back to my room. After such a chaotic event, my body was starting to feel the effects of it. I was feeling aches all across my body.

With my hand on the doornob, I open the door and enter my room. It was dark, but I expected it to be. Only the faint moonlight shining into my room broke the shadows. Crossing the wooden floor, I walk over to where I knew the closet should be, then open its doors.

Admitting what I was to everyone... left me quite frankly scared. I was essentially a powerful non-steve to them. I could hurt them with what I could do if I wasn't careful...

Glancing back up into the faint outline of myself in the mirror, I take off my blindfold and stare at my eyes. What if I had- Given myself-

"Overthinking again, Sabre?" I jump as Shadow appears behind me and I whirl around to see him. "Can you not?!" I hiss and sigh, looking down at the planks under me. Shadow grunts and I can tell he was eye-rolling at me, just from his body motion. "Look, I just need to work out a few things, ok. I'll be fine on my own," I murmur. It takes me a few minutes to struggle out of this new outfit before I realized the new one I had been wearing before, was neatly tucked in the closet. What the...?

A pause fills the air and for a moment, the world seemed still. I was... unbound now. This universe wasn't holding me back anymore. My eyes flit to the mirror, then I feel my heart jump to my chest. I quickly turn myself both ways in shock, then let out a half laugh.

Sure enough, a pair of brilliant white dove wings sat connected to my back. They were small, right now, but that was undoubtedly the reason on why I was struggling to change. Yet still- They were back! My wings were back! I could feel tears start to spring to my eyes as joy and exhaustion took over my body and I slide down to my knees.

Ever since I had to have my wings cut, all those years ago, I had been suffering with phantom pains and anxiety about what I would have to do in situations where I couldn't fly. But... Now... They were back. I let the tears drip down my cheeks for a bit as I hold myself. Happiness filled my chest because I had one thing that made me, me, back. 

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