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A/N: I know I haven't updated in a while for this and I'm sorry, I've been struggling with motivation to write, so here's the next chapter as an apology :3 I'll try to get the next chapter done as soon as I can/write further ahead xD



*Two weeks ago*

The sound of birds outside my window awoke me from my sleep. I groan, still feeling tired from being up so late, then glance out the window right beside me. The rays of sun hadn't yet peaked over the mountains outside, so it was still dark. Yet even still, the sky outside shone a beautiful blue, orange pink, and indigo. I manage to sit up, then stare out at the rolling city before me as I slowly let myself wake up. I think the early morning chill was also helping me wake up, as it laid bare against my splotchy, miscolored orange and yellow skin. Usually I'd sleep with a shirt on, but I was too tired to put on my night shirt after I got into my room and took off my guard armor.

As I sit there a few minutes longer, I think back over my plan for today. First off, I need to check in with the Encompassing Officer to see if the night watch reported anything, next, I'm going to visit with Revalos today and see how he is doing. Probably could do that during my breakfast. Then I need to check in with Captain and see if he had any orders for me. Pretty simple.

As I finally shake away the grogginess from my mind, I shift away the Red comforters and glance across the room. My fellow Elite, slept soundly across the room from me while he laid on his side, back turned towards me. I debated on if I should wake him, considering it was undoubtedly already six in the morning or close to it, then decide against it. Again, I would have social hour with Revalos later during breakfast. But for now, my elite duties called me.

As quietly as I can to not disturb my friend, I get changed into my armor I left on the chest at the end of my bed, then grab my helmet from beside the chest and head towards the door. I quietly slip out, then make my way towards the main quarters to find the Encompassing Officer. I wind my way through the halls before I end up in front of the Management quarters door. I knock to announce my presence, then open the door and walk in. The room was well decorated and maintained, with various books and shelves sitting the rose adorned walls. A Red Steve sat at the desk, his attention towards me as he had a poppy tucked behind his ear. "Ah, Elite Grace. I see you are up early." He greets me with a nod as I walk up to his desk and he hands me two papers. "I have a bit of a busy day today, Earl. I plan to catch up with Revalos and work on some reports for the Captain today before I do my usual training routine in the afternoon."

Earl just chuckles and nods, going back to copying a paper from a recent report. "I see, Grace. Definitely a full schedule for today. Well, I won't keep you too long. Breakfast will be ready at 6:30, so just a heads up." I quickly glance over the list of guards and their reports which held nothing happening during the night shift, then tuck the papers under my arm and nod to my fellow guard. "Good to know, thanks Earl. I'll get these officially reviewed and submitted to the recorders. Have a good day." He glanced back up at me as I make my way towards the door and he smiles. "Thank you, Elite Grace. Wisdom's guidance be with you."

His face disappears from my view as I shut the door, then make my way back to my room. I might as well hand these to Revalos now if he's awake. But if he's not, I'll just let him sleep in more. After all, I don't exactly know when he starts his day. It's different for all of us Elites and I haven't gotten the chance to memorize Revalos's new schedule.

"Grace, a moment." A voice startles me as I was walking down the hall. I turn and see Captain standing there, his eyes reflecting the early morning light as he stood in his civilian clothes. "Yes, Captain?" I ask as I walk towards him. "Walk with me. I'd like to discuss something right quick." A bit of a sinking feeling settles in my stomach as I walk beside Captain. I had missed a few of my training days of recent, so was this about that? Or... My parents? Did something happen to them? Or... Was it about- That?

We reach the door to the inner courtyard and Light opens the door. I follow his lead and step through, walking down the stairs with him right behind me. The cool morning air settles on my skin and brings with it, the song of the birds waking up. "So, I'm sure you've undoubtedly heard the rumors surrounding my picks for apprentices." Captain starts and I turn to look at him as he comes up beside me. I feel my heart skip a beat as my suspicions came true. I nod, trying to keep myself from nervously fidgeting. "Well, I have been keeping my eye on a few people. You being one of them. I've been silently reviewing guardsmanship skills, how receptive the individual is to learning, initiative, interaction skills, and several other traits. You showcase several of these traits unfalteringly, and go above and beyond what is expected of you. So I wanted to ask you in private, Graceful, if you'd like to be my apprentice. I wouldn't be offended if you said no."

Captain's eyes stare into mine as I felt my ability to breathe suddenly vanish. This... This was my chance. I had the opportunity to further serve my fellow guards, and lead the Colorless Guards to new years of peace and safety. I quickly snap to attention, then bow to Captain with my hand over my heart. "I would be honored to, Captain." As I shift up, his hand settles on my shoulder and I flick my eyes to his face. He was tired, but a soft smile was set on it. It seemed like he was... relieved and... proud. Proud of me.

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